Chapter 192 Surgery for Metastatic Spine Disease
Roughly 500,000 deaths occur per year from complications of metastatic disease. It is estimated that among living cancer patients, 10% experience symptomatic secondary metastases,1 with the most common sites of distant metastases being the liver, lungs, and skeleton. Within the skeleton, the spinal column has the highest incidence of metastasis,2 with as many as 90% of cancer patients affected on autopsy studies.3 The most prevalent lesions arise from breast, lung, and prostate tumors because these are the most common systemic malignancies and because they each have a marked tendency to metastasize to bone.4 Brihaye and colleagues reported on the origin of spinal metastasis in a large series of patients and found the breakdown of origin to be 16.5% from breast cancer, 15.6% from lung cancer, and 9.2% from prostate cancer.5 Surgical intervention has been estimated to occur in approximately 5% to 10% of spinal metastases; however, up to 50% of spinal metastases necessitate at least some modality of treatment.6 At the moment, the highest incidence of spinal metastases is found in persons 40 to 64 years of age. Women are less prone than men to develop spinal metastases, possibly due to the overall higher prevalence of systemic prostate and lung cancer when compared to breast cancer.
Mechanism of Spread to the Spine
Metastatic tumors often exhibit characteristic biological behavior of the primary tumor, and thus the mechanism of spread is correlated to the type of primary tumor. Understanding the mechanism is crucial when surgically treating such patients because it can predict recurrence (local versus distant) and can change the goals of resection (debulking versus extensive local control). These mechanisms include hematogenous seeding,1 direct extension or invasion,2 and seeding via the cerebrospinal fluid.3 Hematogenous seeding occurs via arterial or venous pathways and is the most usual route of metastatic spread to the spine, presumably because of the highly vascular nature of the vertebral bodies.7 Venous spread occurs mainly via Batson’s plexus, which connects to multiple venous networks including renal, pulmonary, intercostal, azygous, portal, and caval systems. Owing to the valveless nature of these veins, tumor cells may deposit both antegrade and retrograde in the spine as physiologic pressure changes occur within the major body cavities.8
Classification of Spine Tumors
Classification is based on the anatomic location of the lesion: intramedullary, intradural-extramedullary, or extradural. The main reason for this is that once the anatomic location is determined, the differential diagnosis of the lesion can be quickly narrowed. Of these locations, the extradural compartment is the site at which spinal metastasis most commonly occurs. Extradurally, the most common site to which spinal metastases localize is the vertebral body, followed by the paravertebral regions and epidural space. Intramedullary and intradural metastases have a low incidence and are usually the result of CSF seeding. With regard to region, the thoracic spine is the most common site for tumor localization (45% to 70%), followed by the lumbar spine (20% to 35%) and finally by the cervical (10% to 20%) and sacral (10% to 20%) regions.9
Proper treatment of metastatic spine disease requires a multidisciplinary approach necessitating the involvement of various types of therapy and medical specialties such as neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, surgical oncology, medical oncology, radiation oncology, interventional radiology, pain specialists, and rehabilitation medicine. Classically, treatment goals have generally been considered to be palliative, centered on mechanical stabilization, pain relief, and preservation of neurologic function. However, preliminary data now suggest the aggressive resections of spinal lesions arising from indolent, well-controlled systemic disease (e.g., renal cell carcinoma, breast adenocarcinoma) might provide oncologic control and improve overall prognosis. All such goals can be successfully obtained via surgical intervention; however, before choosing surgical intervention as a treatment, patient variables such as age, life expectancy, functional status, and tumor burden must be carefully considered.
Selecting Patients for Surgical Intervention
Increased patient survival time due to advancements in systemic chemotherapy and radiation therapy has paralleled more aggressive surgical decompression and fixation for patients with metastatic spine disease.10 For example, since the 1990s, the combination of improvements in implant and instrumentation technology combined with reduction in approach-related morbidity have resulted in improved outcomes following tumor resection and spinal reconstruction. Selection of patients for surgical treatment remains challenging; however, in general most clinicians agree that a patient’s survival must be in excess of at least 3 months to be considered for surgical treatment.
To facilitate the selection process for surgical candidates, scoring systems have been created to evaluate the preoperative status and predict the postsurgical outcome of patients following large decompression and fixation procedures. Tokuhashi and colleagues11 created a scoring system that considers primary tumor histology, number of vertebral metastases, presence of extraspinal or visceral metastases, overall functional status, and neurologic function. They were able to correlate such factors with survival following tumor resection. Not surprisingly, presence of less-aggressive tumors, single vertebral metastases, lack of other metastases, good overall functional status, and normal neurologic function were associated with a higher point total and longer survival. As a result, they recommended that patients with a score greater than 9 of 12 should be considered for aggressive excisional surgery with reconstruction. Patients with scores lower than 5 of 12 had a poor prognosis, and they recommended either palliative surgery (limited decompression) or no surgery at all.
Tomita and colleagues12 also constructed a scoring system to assess surgical candidates. In Tomita’s system, unlike Tokuhashi’s, lower scores indicate a positive prognosis and vice versa. In addition, Tomita’s system is based on only three main parameters: primary tumor histology, presence of visceral metastases, and solitary versus multiple vertebral metastases.
More recently, significant attention has been paid to the concept of metastatic epidural spinal cord compression (MESCC). In the past, surgical interventions were restricted to decompressive laminectomies. However, decompressive laminectomy alone does not resolve anterior compression originating from the vertebral body, and it induces spinal instability by destabilizing the posterior elements, leading to increasing pain and potentially worsening neurologic function. For this reason, direct decompression and reconstruction approaches are now the standard for treating patients with a reasonably good prognosis. The first prospective randomized, controlled trial of direct decompressive surgical resection with radiation therapy versus radiation therapy alone in the treatment of patients with MESCC was published by Patchell and colleagues in 2005.13 Their data suggest that surgery with radiation is statistically superior to radiation alone as demonstrated by the greater post-treatment ambulatory rate, duration of ambulation, maintenance of ambulation after treatment, and return of ambulation after treatment. The study also demonstrated that patients who received both surgery and radiation had improved functional ability (Frankel scores), muscle strength (ASIA scores), continence, and survival time when compared to the group that received radiation alone. Important exclusion parameters within the selection criteria include patients with highly radiosensitive tumors such as small cell lung carcinoma, myeloma, and lymphoma. In such patients radiation alone may still be the preferred treatment for MESCC.
Determining the Surgical Approach
Determining the spinal segment involved is crucial for determining the surgical approach because not all segments are equally accessible. For example, most spinal metastatic disease localizes to the vertebral body and most spine surgeons are familiar with anterior exposures of the cervical spine, making lesions in this area readily accessible. However, the upper thoracic segment of the spine (T1–4) may be difficult to expose anteriorly (Fig. 192-1). In such an instance, an anterolateral cervical approach combined with sternotomy or thoracotomy could be required. Some cases require access to spinal segments that are occluded by the presence of great vessels, and in such instances a posterolateral or transpedicular approach is often used (Fig. 192-2). For the lower thoracic region (T5–12), a right-sided thoracotomy allows access to the spine while still avoiding the great vessels and aortic arch. However, if the majority of the tumor is located on the left, a left-sided thoracotomy is appropriate. Access for a thoracolumbar junction (T11–L1) decompression and resection often requires a combined thoracotomy and retroperitoneal approach. It is possible to approach the lumbar spine (L1–5) anteriorly; however, a posterior approach allowing posterior excision and stabilization is often indicated for managing metastatic spine disease (Fig. 192-3).
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