Traumatic Brain Injury
Michael P. Alexander
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the more common neurological disorders. The incidence is estimated to be 101 per 100,000 for severe injuries and 540 per 100,000 for mild injuries. Because many patients with TBI are young, and almost all survive, the prevalence is very high—approximately 2% of the U.S. population has some TBI-related disability. The great majority of injuries are mild and recovery is the rule, so the prevalence of symptomatic patients is surely much lower, but not known with certainty. TBI can occur at any age. The common mechanisms of injury differ at different ages: motor vehicle accidents at all ages; accidents and abuse in young children; accidents and sports in school-age children and young adults; and falls in the elderly. Age and mechanism interact to affect outcome. Falls in the elderly have a poorer overall prognosis than other combinations. TBI is often due to alcohol-related accidents.
Various mechanisms of injury may produce different profiles of neuropathology, but rapid deceleration is common to most. The skull stops suddenly, but the brain continues to move within the skull. Those parts of the brain tightly tethered to the skull and adjacent to the falx—the venous sinuses and the large basal arteries—probably stop with the skull. Other regions less tightly tethered—particularly the frontal poles, the temporal poles, and the cerebellar hemispheres—may continue to move. The distances are very small but the times are very brief, so deceleration may produce substantial g-forces. Rotational forces produce more injury than purely translational forces.
Deceleration creates gradients of movement or potential movement within the brain, and these gradients generate shearing forces that damage fragile structures—axons and small blood vessels. Rotational gradients are the dominant force. This injury is called diffuse axonal injury (DAI). It is maximal in the frontal and anterior temporal white matter, distributed centripetally from the cortical-white matter boundary into the deeper white matter. Axons are not literally sheared, but the force disrupts function; membrane stability, intracellular transport, and metabolic integrity are all affected. If damaged near the cell body, the nerve may die (apoptosis). Small blood vessels may be damaged enough to leak, contributing to cerebral edema and even small hemorrhages, usually in white matter. The severity of DAI may vary from only transiently interrupted axonal function to severe structural injury, extensive cell death, and multifocal hemorrhages. Concussion is the mildest end of DAI. Based on animal experiments it remains unclear whether a single concussion is often or ever associated with structural brain injury. At a minimum, however, in both concussions and more definitive but mild TBI, there is some injury to axons that can be detected on late diffusion tensor imaging magnetic resonance imaging (DTI MRI) as regional reduction in fractional anisotropy. There is a period of altered cortical function demonstrated on functional MRI (fMRI) by abnormal patterns of activation during working memory tasks.
The same deceleration forces can propel portions of the cortex over rough, bony surfaces. The orbital frontal cortex and temporal poles are particularly susceptible. This injury is focal cortical contusion (FCC). The location of FCC may also be affected by skull deformation at the point of contact (coup) or opposite that point (contrecoup), but brain movement and irregular bony surfaces are the key elements of cortical deformation because anterior contusions are much more common than occipital contusions. In addition, depressed skull fractures can produce FCC underlying a fracture wherever it occurs, although fractures may actually absorb force and reduce brain injury. TBI may result in FCC in patients who otherwise appear to have a mild injury (defined blow), but the presence of FCC customarily excludes a patient from a diagnosis of mild TBI or concussion.
Patients with head injuries may also have subdural hematoma (SDH) or epidural hematoma (EDH). SDHs are commonly associated with subjacent FCC in young people, but in the elderly may occur without direct brain injury. If so, and if properly managed, there need be no brain consequence to the SDH alone. EDHs are usually caused by a fracture across the middle meningeal artery. They are extracerebral and, if recognized and evacuated, do not produce brain injury. Either EDH or SDH may, however, be sufficiently large that it causes underlying compression, vascular compromise (ischemia), and local edema. If very large, particularly if accompanied by FCC and edema, they may lead to increased intracranial pressure (ICP) and even cerebral herniation. These add local and even global hypoperfusion and ischemic injury into the TBI mix. These factors are the main mechanisms of delayed deterioration after TBI.
1. The pathology of TBI may be a mixture of different injuries—diffuse axonal injury, focal contusion, secondary hypoxic injury, and various mechanisms of secondary injury from extracerebral hemorrhages.
2. Each pathologic entity has distinct clinical consequences.
3. Concussion is the mildest form of mild injury, but it is unknown whether there is actual DAI.
Diffuse Axonal Injury
The immediate effect of DAI is reduction or loss of consciousness (LOC). The mechanism of LOC is not known with certainty, but it is commonly believed to be due to transient impairment or structural damage to the upper portion of the reticular activating system at the midbrain-thalamic junction. This may be due to transmitted deceleration force or to rotational stress at the junction. At the time of injury there may be brief seizure-like movements or even a brief tonic-clonic seizure. These have no consequence for later development of epilepsy. The depth of initial coma is graded with the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score: mild, 13 to 15; moderate, 9 to 12; severe, 6 to 8; very severe, 3 to 5 (Table 24.1). This acute score carries considerable information for management and prognosis. The customary sense of coma (no purposeful movement, no response to voice, and no eye opening) corresponds to GCS score of 9 or lower. Patients with milder injuries may have had witnessed, unequivocal LOC at the scene but awaken quickly so that the initial GCS score (emergency medical technician or emergency department witness) is greater than 9, any condition from responsive but confused to essentially normal. Concussion blurs into mild TBI at its mildest end. Patients may have no LOC, just a period of dazed confusion for which they subsequently have no memory.
Animal experiments and human clinical studies both demonstrate a strong correlation of duration of coma (DOC), with the quality of eventual recovery. Even the coarsest stratification
carries management and prognostic information: mild, less than 1 hour; moderate, less than 24 hours; severe, less than 7 days; very severe, more than 7 days.
carries management and prognostic information: mild, less than 1 hour; moderate, less than 24 hours; severe, less than 7 days; very severe, more than 7 days.
From coma, patients with DAI progress to a period of wakeful unresponsiveness: eyes open, often brief alerting to voice, and purposeful but random movement. In mild TBI, this phase may be so brief as to be missed by witnesses. In severe injuries with very late emergence from coma, this phase may be very long-lasting or even permanent—the persistent vegetative state. Detection of any responsive behaviors can be very difficult but will distinguish vegetative state from the so-called minimally conscious state. In patients with TBI, as opposed to anoxic injuries, definite evidence of minimally conscious state may emerge very late and first be evident to family or daily caregivers.
Patients next evolve to definitively responsive but confused. In mild TBI, this transition from coma to responsive but confused may take only seconds to minutes, and this confusional state is presumably the initial state in patients with concussion without LOC. During this period, patients may respond coherently, walk, and carry out complex activities or they may be restless and agitated, but they will be amnestic for the period, except for the occasional island of memory. This is posttraumatic amnesia (PTA), although for recording purposes, PTA usually includes the DOC as well. In more severe cases, this period may be quite prolonged and often presents significant management problems.
Confusion clears and the patient enters a stage of awareness and cognitive deficits. When confusion clears, patients become able to form new memories, and the period of PTA ends. In patients with mild injury, this transition may be sharp and the cognitive deficits subtle, escaping notice in the emergency department. In more severely injured patients the transition is blurry—periods of better awareness and attention and slipping back to overt confusion. Specifying the duration of PTA is important because it has strong prognostic value, and, commonly, the end of PTA is declared when the patient is recalling information and events from after the injury. Memory is not normal, but there is coherent recall hour by hour. Determination of PTA may be retrospective, but it is important to establish duration because it is the best indicator of injury severity and prognosis.
Once awareness and orientation improve (PTA ends), patients enter a phase of recovering cognition. The major domains of impairment in all patients—concussion, mild to severe DAI, and typical FCC—are attention and executive function. Attention is a multidimensional domain encompassing speed of processing, preparing to respond, sustaining attention, and shifting attention, which in turn requires switching from or inhibiting prior, competing, or simply salient responses. Keeping information in mind (working memory) might also be considered a dimension of attention. Executive functions are also multidimensional but include all of the controlled cognitive operations: planning, problem solving, and generating and monitoring complex actions. Stages of recovery are summarized in Table 24.2.
TABLE 24.2 STAGES OF RECOVERY | ||||||||||||||
The probability of good recovery is closely correlated with the three severity markers. Patients with the mildest injuries (concussions) usually recover in hours to days. Patients with mild TBI recover in days to weeks, with moderate injuries recovering in weeks to months, and severe and very severe injuries (if they survive) in months to years. More severely injured patients probably never recover completely and always have detectable, often functionally limiting or disabling deficits. These broad claims about recovery times hold for the population of patients with TBI, but a minority of patients diverge from these general conclusions.
Focal Cortical Contusion
FCCs are abrasions of cortical surface. They may occur anywhere as a result of local contact effects, particularly with depressed skull fractures, but they are most commonly orbital frontal and anterior temporal. They are often bilateral. They do not develop as sudden lesions like stroke, but gradually over hours to days from direct mechanical tissue disruption, often with bleeding and associated SAH to more extensive regions of mixed tissue damage, local edema, and hemorrhage. After initial vasospasm, delayed bleeding may occur. There is local loss of cerebrovascular autoregulation, and edema may become malignant, adding to increased ICP. Surgical evacuation of FCC is rarely required and may exacerbate edema. Even evacuation of overlying SDH may exacerbate the local FCC derangements.
Recall that FCCs alone do not cause LOC. The specific effects of FCC are due to their location, but acute determination of those effects may be difficult when there has also been significant DAI. Acute medical and neurosurgical issues are raised by FCC, but relatively less is known about the acute effects and subacute consequences of FCC than is known for DAI.
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