Examination of the Critically Ill Neurological Patient

Vegetative state longer than 1 month is classified as a persistent vegetative state

Minimally conscious state (MCS)

Occurs in the setting of catastrophic hemispheric brain injury, with intact brainstem function and preservation of some corticocortical and corticothalamic circuits

Global alteration of consciousness with elements of arousal.

Intermittent evidence of self or environmental awareness. Might sporadically follow commands, attend to recognizable objects or voices, initiate meaningful speech, or engage in purposeful movement


Long-term outcomes of patients in MCS have not been studied well

Akinetic mutism

Typically the result of injury to the bilateral frontal lobes

Profound deficiency in executive function

Unable to initiate speech

Does not exhibit any motor or verbal response to verbal or noxious stimulus

Unable to initiate movement

Seems on the verge of initiating activity, yet this is never accomplished

Neurologic recovery has been reported

Pharmacologically induced coma

Deliberate induction of a coma-like state with the use of sedative or anesthetic agents

Virtually any clinical evidence of brain or brainstem activity can be abolished

Virtually any clinical evidence of brain or brainstem activity can be abolished

Agents commonly used for pharmacologically induced coma include barbiturates, propofol, and midazolam.

Confounds the clinician’s ability to diagnose coma or even brain death

Locked-in syndrome (LIS)

Focal injury to the ventral pons

Preserved arousal and awareness


Preserved vertical eye movements and eye blinking

Alternative presentations may occur in patients with injury of the rostral pons and midbrain, in whom even eye movements are lost (‘‘total LIS’’)


In its classic presentation, patients with LIS can express themselves only by blinking and with vertical eye movements

States analogous to LIS:


  • Guillain-Barré syndrome
  • Neuromuscular-blocking drugs without appropriate sedation

Table 4.10. Differences between brain death, vegetative state, minimally conscious state (MCS), akinetic mutism, pharmacologically induced states of decreased arousal, and the locked-in syndrome (LIS).

Brainstem Reflexes

Easily examined brainstem reflexes are pupillary light reflexes, eye movements (spontaneous and elicited), corneal reflex, and respiratory pattern. If these brainstem activities are preserved, the lesion causing coma is probably due to bilateral hemispheric dysfunction. At the other end of the spectrum, the absence of these reflexes indicates a lesion primarily originating or externally affecting (e.g., transtentorial herniation) the brainstem.

Respiratory Patterns

In comparison to other brainstem signs, these are of less localizing value. See the table above for a summary of abnormal respiratory patterns. Aside from the abnormal respiratory patterns mentioned above, other cyclic breathing variations have been described but their importance is less significant.

Pupillary Signs

Pupil shape, size, symmetry and response to light provide valuable information about brainstem function. Pupillary reactions are examined with a bright, diffuse light (not an ophthalmoscope). Normal size, reactive and round pupils fundamentally exclude midbrain damage.

Table 4.11 summarizes the localization value of pupillary abnormalities in a comatose patient. As a general rule, the pupillary light reflex is resistant to metabolic disturbances. An exception to this rule is pharmacologic iridoplegia. Administration of 1% pilocarpine can be used to differentiate pharmacologic iridoplegia (failure to constrict) from anoxic pupillary dilatation (preserved response). The ciliospinal reflex, instead of pharmacological dilation, can be used as an alternative method to dilate the pupils. It is important to recognize the patient in a locked-in state due to a midbrain syndrome with abnormal pupillary abnormalities or due to profound peripheral neuropathy as occurs in a patient with severe Guillain-Barré syndrome.



Abnormal pupillary finding

Lesion localization

Reactive and bilaterally small (1-2.5 mm) but not pinpoint pupils


  • Metabolic encephalopathies
  • Bilateral hemispheric lesions (e.g., hydrocephalus or thalamic hemorrhage)

Small and reactive


  • Diencephalon (“diencephalic pupils”)
  • Sleep can also cause this finding
  • Metabolic coma

Oval and slightly eccentric pupil


  • Transitional sign that accompanies early midbrain-third nerve compression

Midposition, unreactive and hippus (spontaneous oscillations in size). Pupils become larger with ciliospinal response


  • Midbrain tectum (structural lesion of midbrain or oculomotor nerve)
  • Pharmacologic iridoplegia:

    • Atropine (e.g., during cardiopulmonary arrest)
    • Glutethimide
    • Barbiturates
    • Succinylcholine
    • Lidocaine
    • Phenothiazines
    • Methanol
    • Aminoglycosides

Midposition, irregular, unreactive and displacement of one pupil to one side (corectopia)


  • Midbrain tegmentum

Unilateral or bilateral oval pupils. May be fixed to light


  • Oculomotor or pupillomotor fibres

Large, unreactive and dilated (due to sparing of the sympathetic pathways) pupil ipsilateral to the side of the lesion (Hutchinson’s pupil)


  • Fascicular or compressive peripheral cranial nerve III palsy

Pinpoint (<1 mm) and reactive


  • Pons (due to sympathetic damage and parasympathetic irritation)
  • Narcotic or barbiturate overdose
  • NB: Response to naloxone and the presence of reflex eye movements distinguish these two entities

Ipsilateral Horner syndrome


  • Hypothalamic damage
  • Lateral pontine
  • Lateral medullary
  • Ventrolateral cervical cord

Table 4.11. Localization value of pupillary abnormalities in a comatose patient.

Ocular Movements

Spontaneous Eye Movements

Elevate patient eyelids and note the resting position and spontaneous movements of the globes. Lid tone progressively decreases as coma deepens. Table 4.12 summarizes spontaneous eye movement abnormalities.



Abnormal spontaneous eye movements

Lesion localization

Horizontal divergence of the eyes at rest


  • Normal in drowsiness

Conjugate horizontal ocular deviation to one side


  • Ipisilateral frontal lobe lesion
  • Contralateral pons lesion
  • Contralateral frontal lobe irritation (e.g., seizure activity)
  • Other: contralateral hemisphere lesion, paradoxical response (“wrong-way eyes”)

Periodic alternating gaze (ping-pong pupil) or conjugate horizontal roving


  • Bihemispheric damage
  • Posterior fossa (rare)

Repetitive divergence


  • Metabolic encephalopathy

Nystagmoid movements of one eye


  • Middle pons lesion
  • Lower pons lesion

Small amplitude vertical eye movements


  • Diffuse encephalopathy

Ocular bobbing


  • Pontine lesion
  • Posterior fossa
  • Diffuse encephalopathy

Inverse ocular bobbing (“ocular dipping”)


  • Diffuse encephalopathy:

    • Anoxic brain injury
    • Post status epilepticus

Reverse ocular bobbing


  • Diffuse encephalopathy
  • Pontine lesion (rarely)

Converse ocular bobbing


  • Diffuse encephalopathy
  • Pontine lesion (rarely)

Pretectal pseudobobbing (V-pattern)


  • Pretectal lesion

Vertical ocular myoclonus


  • Pontine lesion

Table 4.12. Spontaneous eye movement abnormalities.

Brainstem reflex eye movements and the corneal reflexes

The physiological arch of the oculocephalic reflexes relays signals through the ocular motor nuclei and their midbrain, pons and medulla interconnections. During a normal response, the examiner observes evoked eye movements in the direction opposite to head movement (either vertical or horizontal head movement). These reflexes are normally inhibited or suppressed in the alert patient. Intact oculocephalic reflexes in a comatose patient indicate intact brainstem function and imply that the underling etiology of coma is cerebral bihemispheric dysfunction. The absence of these reflexes indicates brainstem damage in most cases. Overdoses of certain drugs can also result in absent oculocephalic reflexes. If the cause is due to a drug reaction, pupillary size and light reaction would be normal in most cases.

The vestibulo-ocular response (also called the oculovestibular response) tests the physiological integrity of similar brainstem tracts, but the initial stimulus is thermal and is therefore also referred to as “caloric” testing. Thermal stimulus is stronger than head movements. After documenting intact tympanic membranes, the auditory canal is instilled with 50 ml of cool water with the patient’s head angled 30 degrees to the horizontal plane. This stimulus induces convection currents in the labyrinths that travel through the vestibular nerve to the brainstem pathways that stimulate the brainstem oculomotor nuclei. The normal response is a brief latency, followed by ipsilateral horizontal tonic eye deviation and contralateral horizontal nystagmus to the side of cool-water irrigation (sensory nerve stimulation), respectively. One mnemonic medical students use to remember the response of nystagmus to thermal stimulation is COWS (Cold Opposite, Warm Same). A common error when interpreting clinical findings is to “reverse the concept” of the normal direction of the tonic and nystagmus response to cold water. Loss of tonic conjugate eye deviation indicates brainstem damage. The absence of nystagmus in spite of tonic conjugate eye deviation indicates that the cerebral hemispheres are dysfunctional or metabolically inhibited.

The blink reflex is probably mediated by the superior colliculus. It is elicited by stimulating the eye with bright light. A tonically retracted eyelid suggests pontine damage (particularly infarction) as a result of failure to inhibit the levator palpebrae muscles. The normal response to stimulation of the cornea by gentle touch with a wisp of cotton is a brief bilateral lid closure. The corneal reflexes depend on the pathway integrity between the fifth (afferent) and both seventh (efferent) cranial nerves in the pons. In conjunction with reflex eye movements, the corneal reflex is useful in clinical tests to evaluate pontine function. CNS depressant drugs can diminish or eliminate the corneal responses quickly after reflex eye movements are affected but before the pupillary light reflex is dysfunctional.

Motor Activity of the Body and Limbs

The localizing value of clinical observation of limb movements, tone and reflexes is less clear than the other neurological examination findings mentioned above. Metabolic coma is the most common cause of bilateral decerebrate (extensor) and decorticate (flexor) posturing. Also, the value of other motor findings (e.g., hemiparesis due to hypoglycemia) can be misleading.

Motor response should be elicited by assessing first for spontaneous movements followed by the response to increasing degrees of stimulus (verbal, then non-painful sensory, then painful stimulus). The man-in-the-barrel syndrome (bilateral arm weakness with spared lower extremity strength) suggests an anoxic lesion affecting the watershed area of the anterior cerebral and middle cerebral artery. Decorticate rigidity (arm adduction, elbow flexion, pronation and flexion of the wrist, and hip and knee extension) suggest a contralateral diencephalic and cerebral hemispheric lesion. Decerebrate rigidity (elbow extension, wrist flexion and pronation, and extension of the hip, knee and feet plantar flexion) can be due to a severe metabolic disorder or a structural upper brainstem lesion (below red nucleus but with intact pontine reticular formation).

Opisthotonus (periodic hyperextension of the trunk and hyperpronation of the arms, usually in response to painful stimulus) suggests dysfunction of the corticoreticular fibers (between the upper and lower colliculus) and has been described in cases of traumatic brain injury and tetanus. In neonates, opisthotonus is most likely secondary to meningitis, kernicterus or tetanus. Lesions in the pontine tegmentum can cause abnormal extension of the arms usually associated with weak flexion of the lower extremities. A flaccid quadriplegia, particularly if associated with areflexia, can be due to poliomyelitis or poliomyelitis-like syndromes (e.g., West Nile virus [WNV]), critical illness neuropathy, critical illness myopathy, or due to an acute demyelinating or axonal neuropathy (e.g., Guillain-Barré syndrome).

4.5.2 Evaluating the Patient With Suspected Central Nervous System Infection

The approach to the patient with suspected CNS infection begins with an evaluation of the clinical features that provide critical information leading to etiologic diagnosis. Identifying infectious agents in CNS infection depends largely on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood culture analyses, but biopsy of brain, spinal cord, or meningeal tissue may occasionally be needed

Clinical Presentation

Table 4.13 summarizes the main CNS infectious syndromes that should be suspected in the critically ill neurological patient.



Clinical history

Physical exam

Risk factors


Acute septic meningitis

Classic triad: fever, neck stiffness, altered mental status

Triad has a low sensitivity for diagnosis; only 44% of cases have the full triad.

95% of episodes had at least two of the four symptoms of headache, fever, neck stiffness, and altered mental status.

Seizures reported in 5-28% of cases

Potential lack of a febrile response in elderly patients, the immunocompromised or patients inadequately treated with antibiotics

Cranial nerve palsies

Signs of increased intracranial pressure (ICP)

Risk factors for unfavourable outcome:


  • advanced age
  • presence of osteitis or sinusitis
  • absence of rash
  • low admission GCS
  • tachycardia
  • positive blood cultures
  • elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate
  • thrombocytopenia
  • low CSF white cell count

Mortality and morbidity rates of 25 and 60%, respectively

The best parameter to differentiate viral from bacterial meningitis is severity (defined by one of four findings at admission: altered consciousness, seizures, focal neurologic findings, and shock) and CSF absolute neutrophil count >1000/mm3 were predictive of bacterial meningitis



  • Should be suspected in a febrile patient presenting with altered mental status or other signs of diffuse cerebral dysfunction
  • Headaches
  • Myalgia
  • History of mild respiratory infection
  • Seizures, both focal and generalized, are a common manifestation


  • Fever
  • Decreased level of consciousness may be followed by focal neurological signs
  • Parotitis associated with mumps
  • Herpetic rash associated with HSE
  • Signs of increased ICP


  • Mosquito vector (e.g., WNV)
  • HIV
  • Blood transfusions and donated organs


  • Most commonly caused by viruses (HSV, VZV, CMV, and WNV among others)
  • Immune-mediated conditions such as ADEM, paraneoplastic or autoimmune limbic encephalitis also cause encephalitis.
  • HSE is the most important form of treatable encephalitis

Brain abscess


  • Commonly present with site-specific focal neurologic deficits, such as aphasia and weakness
  • Seizures in up to 40% of cases (59)


  • Fever less common than in meningitis
  • Neck stiffness in 25% of cases (indicates associated meningitis)
  • Focal examination may be absent.
  • Signs of increased ICP


  • Brain abscesses are focal, purulent infections of brain parenchyma

Cranial epidural abscess


  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Nausea


  • Fever
  • Signs of increased ICP


  • Trauma
  • Neurosurgery
  • Nearby infections, e.g., meningitis, sinusitis
  • Other extra-cranial sources


  • Extra-axial infection in the virtual space between the dura mater and the skull
  • Usually occurs in the frontal region
  • The most common infectious pathogens include streptococci, staphylococci, and anaerobes; infections are often polymicrobial

Subdural empyema


  • Altered level of consciousness
  • Focal neurologic deficits
  • Seizures


  • Fever
  • Signs of increased ICP


  • Sources of infection include:

    • Paranasal sinuses
    • Hematogenous spread through emissary veins in the subdural space
    • Postoperative setting


  • An infection in the potential space between the dura mater and the arachnoid mater
  • Unlike the epidural space, the subdural space is less restrictive than the epidural space, resulting in a wider spread of empyema, which can cause inflammation of the brain parenchyma, septic thrombophlebitis, and venous infarction
  • High mortality rate (34%)



  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Nausea


  • Fever
  • Signs of increased ICP


  • Bacterial meningitis
  • CSF shunt
  • External ventricular drainage (EVD)
  • Other intracranial device


  • Infection of the ventricular system of the brain
  • Complication of meningitis in 30% of adult cases
  • The most common pathogens involved in EVD and CSF shunt infections are gram-positive organisms such as Staphylococcus epidermidis and S. aureus

Table 4.13. Main CNS infectious syndromes that should be suspected in the critically ill neurological patient.

ADEM = acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; CMV = cytomegalovirus; HIV = human immunodeficiency virus; HSE = herpes simplex encephalitis; HSV = herpes simplex virus; ICP = increased intracranial pressure; VZV = varicella-zoster virus; WMV = West Nile virus.

4.5.3 Intracranial Hypertension and Herniation Syndromes

Clinical signs and symptoms suggesting increased intracranial pressure include headache, nausea and vomiting, and bradycardia with or without increases in arterial blood pressure. Brain herniation corresponds to a shift of the normal brain through or across regions to another site due to mass effect. It is usually the result of focal structural pathology (e.g., tumour, trauma, infection, etc.), but it can also be due to a diffuse, more physiological process (e.g., encephalitis). Four major categories of herniation syndromes are distinguished: transtentorial, subfalcine, foramen magnum, and alar or sphenoid herniation.

Brain imaging serves as an extension to the clinical examination in the evaluation of these syndromes. Either CT or MRI of the brain can reveal signs of impending herniation before patients start demonstrating clinical signs. Although the use of “screening brain imaging” for possible or probable brain herniation in high-risk patients has not been validated, it is done frequently as a matter of routine. An example of this situation is ordering a “follow-up CT head” in a patient admitted with putaminal hemorrhage who is otherwise clinically doing well. Tables 4.14-4.16 summarize the clinical and imaging findings, as well as the potential complications of the mayor types of herniation syndromes.



Clinical findings

Imaging findings



  • Ipsilateral dilated pupil
  • Contralateral hemiparesis
  • Ipsilateral hemiparesis if Kernohan’s notch is present (false localizer)


  • Ipsilateral ambient cistern widening
  • Ipsilateral prepontine cistern widening
  • Uncus extending into the suprasellar cistern
  • Contralateral temporal horn widening


  • Occipital infarct due to posterior cerebral artery compression

Table 4.14. Transtentorial herniation (central or uncal).



Clinical findings

Imaging findings



  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Obtundation


  • Spinning top appearance of midbrain
  • Narrowing of bilateral ambient cisterns
  • Filling of the quadrigeminal plate cistern


  • Hydrocephalus
  • Rapid onset of obtundation and possibility of death

Table 4.15. Ascending cerebellar transtentorial herniation.



Clinical findings

Imaging findings



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