Frequency %
10-year survival (%)
Papillary carcinoma
Classic papillary
Follicular variant
Macrofollicular variant
Oncocytic variant
Clear cell variant
Diffuse sclerosing variant
Solid variant
Cribriform carcinoma
Papillary carcinoma with focal insular component
Papillary carcinoma with squamous cell and mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Papillary carcinoma with spindle and giant cell carcinoma
Combined papillary and medullary carcinomas
Papillary microcarcinomas
Follicular carcinoma
Minimal and widely invasive
Oncocytic variant (Hürtle cell)
Clear cell variant
Poorly differentiated carcinoma
Undifferentiated (anaplastic) carcinoma
No data
Medullary thyroid carcinoma
Follicular adenoma
21.3.1 Differentiated Thyroid Carcinomas (DTC)
88 % of all thyroid carcinomas are DTC. Papillary tumors arise from thyroglobulin (Tg)-producing follicular cells (thyrocytes), and 85 % of DTC are PTC in developed countries where sufficient iodine is present in the diet [6, 7, 29]. PTC is the most well-differentiated histology. It usually presents as multifocal lesions, with a high incidence of regional lymph node metastases [30]. They vary in size from microscopic cancer to large tumor. They may invade the thyroid capsule and contiguous structures and lymphatics. But blood vessel invasion is rare. Cystic changes, calcifications, and even ossification may be identified. Psammoma bodies, calcified scarred remnants of tumor papillae, are commonly seen in about 50 % of PTC and pathognomonic for PTC [6, 7, 29, 30]. Pure PTC has very good prognosis. But the insular, tall cell, columnar cell, and diffuse sclerosing variants are more aggressive forms of PTC [28] (Table 21.1). PTC less than 1 cm are often referred to as microcarcinomas [6, 7, 29]. Papillary thyroid carcinoma seems closely related to the activation of trk and RET proto-oncogenes. The trk proto-oncogene codes for the tyrosine kinase receptor; the ret shows a paracentric inversion of chromosome 10 and 11 in 30–35 % of the cases. Activating RET mutations may be the result of ionizing radiation [31]. RET/PTC gene rearrangements or RAS, BRAF, or MEK–ERK pathway mutations are present in 70 % of PTCs, and the upregulation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling is also common in metastatic disease [6, 7, 32]. RET/PTC genetic alterations are the most common mutation found in the Chernobyl radiation-induced thyroid carcinomas [33, 34]. The most common were RET/PTC1 and RET/PTC3, and the latter was associated with the more aggressive form of PTC. BRAF mutation is the most common genetic alteration in thyroid cancer, particularly in PTC. BRAF mutation is associated with poor clinicopathologic characteristics of PTC. Detection of BRAF mutation on FNA specimen before surgery is recommended as a useful diagnostic marker and prognostic indicator for PTC and thus influences the surgeon’s decision on the management of PTC [35]. The prevalence of genetic alterations in patients with various thyroid carcinomas is outlined in Table 21.2 [36].
Altered gene | Poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma (%) | Papillary thyroid carcinoma (%) | Follicular thyroid carcinoma (%) | Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (%) |
RET/PTC | 0 | 20 | 0 | 0 |
TP53 | 20–30 | 0 | 0 | 65–70 |
BRAF | 15 | 45 | 0 | 20–25 |
RAS | 30–35 | 10–15 | 4 | 50–55 |
Beta-catenin | 20–25 | 0 | 0 | 65 |
PAX8-PPARγ | 0 | 0 | 35 | 0 |
FTC is 12 % of DTC. True FTC is an unusual tumor comprising approximately 5–10 % of thyroid malignancies in non-endemic goiter areas of the world [29]. Prior to the introduction of iodinated salt, follicular carcinoma was much more frequently diagnosed. Follicular tumors although frequently encapsulated, microscopically vascular and capsular invasion commonly present. This histologic finding distinguishes benign neoplasms from malignant follicular neoplasm. Cytology alone cannot be used to diagnose follicular carcinoma [6, 7]. FTC may be associated with RAS mutations and mutations on chromosome 3 (PAX8–PPAR) [6, 36] (Table 21.2).
HCC or oncocytic carcinoma is a histological variant of FTC often of more aggressive behavior and accounts for 3 % of DTCs [6, 7].
Many tumors have both papillary and follicular elements histologically, and they are called follicular variants of papillary carcinoma and classified as papillary carcinoma. Because the clinical behavior of these tumors are not different from pure PTC [7, 37]. DTCs most often secrete thyroglobulin, and it can be used as a tumor marker.
Poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma (PDTC) was introduced and defined by Sakamoto et al. and Carcangiu et al. in the 1980s [38, 39]. PDTC has aggressive histologic behavior with necrosis, increased mitotic rate, and vascular invasion. They account for 4–7 % of all thyroid cancers [36]. RET/PTC genetic alterations are 0 %, and TP53 mutations are present in 20–30 % of cases [36] (Table 21.2). PDTC is more aggressive than DTC and less aggressive than ATC.
Other very rare forms of PTC and FTC are seen in Table 21.2.
21.3.2 Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma (MTC)
MTCs are derived from parafollicular cells or calcitonin-secreting C cells. RET proto-oncogene mutations are characteristic, with germline activating RET mutations as seen in FMTC and MEN 2A predisposing factor. Calcitonin and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) can be used as tumor markers [6, 7, 36, 37] (Table 21.2).
21.3.3 Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer (ATC)
ATC is the most aggressive form of thyroid carcinomas and typically the cause of death within 6 months. One-year survival is about 20 %. This type is less than 3 % of thyroid malignancies in the USA [6, 7, 37]. ATC can occur de novo or has arisen from more differentiated cancer that went undiagnosed for many years. In some cases there is a spectrum from papillary to anaplastic cancer [40]. ATC is distinguished from poorly differentiated (grade 3) thyroid carcinoma in part by loss of TTF-1 expression and abnormalities in p53 signaling pathway [6, 36] (Table 21.2). BRAF and RAS mutations are also shown in ATC [36] (Table 21.2).
21.3.4 Other Cancers of the Thyroid Gland
21.4 Diagnosis
The majority of patients with thyroid cancer present with a clinically or ultrasonographically (USG) detectable solitary nodule. All thyroid nodules in the general population have a 5–8 % chance of malignancy [6, 7, 29, 41, 42]. History, physical examination, USG, and FNA are the four most important diagnostic methods. History is very important: history of dyspnea, dysphagia, and persistent dysphonia and male sex, age <14 years or >70 years, personal thyroid cancer history with lobectomy, radiation exposure in childhood or adolescent period, first-degree relative with thyroid cancer or MEN2, personal history of familial adenomatous polyposis, Carney complex, Cowden syndrome, FDG avid on PET scan are the high risk clinical features for malignancy. Firm and hard fixed nodule/s or rapidly growing nodules on physical examination and cervical lymph node/nodes palpation are important findings for malignancy [6, 7, 29, 30, 37, 42, 43].
Neck and thyroid USG and fine needle aspiration (FNA) are very important in the differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules: sonographic features and thresholds for FNA, according to the National Cancer Center Network (NCCN) guideline, are outlined in Table 21.3 [42]. The rate of carcinoma of a suspicious nodule is about 20 %. The false-positive and false-negative FNA cytology rates for all nodules are less than 5 % [7, 29, 37]. The Bethesda system suggests a six-category classification system to report thyroid FNA biopsy (FNAB) results [44]. In one of the last studies, the authors reviewed eight published studies including 25,445 thyroid FNABs [45]. Twenty-five percent of the patients (6,362 pts) subsequently underwent thyroidectomy. The final pathology results were compared to the FNAB results.
Table 21.3
Thyroid carcinoma: nodul evaluation according to the sonographic features and thresholds for fine niddle aspiration [42]
Sonographic features | Threshold for FNA |
Solid nodule | |
With suspicious sonographic features (hypoechoic, increased central vascularity, infiltrative margins, microcalcifications, taller than wide in transverse plane) | ≥1.0 cm |
Without suspicious sonographic features | ≥1.5 cm |
Mixed cystic–solid nodule | |
With suspicious sonographic features (hypoechoic, increased central vascularity, infiltrative margins, microcalcifications, taller than wide in transverse plane) | ≥ 1.5–2.0 cm |
Without suspicious sonographic features | ≥2.0 cm |
Spongiform nodule (aggregation of multiple microcystic components in more than 50 % of the volume of the nodule) | ≥2.0 cm |
Purely cystic nodule | Not indicated except as therapeutic modality |
Abnormal cervical lymph nodes | FNA node ± FNA-associated thyroid nodule(s) |
Nondiagnostic/unsatisfactory: 13 % of all FNABs; of those 16.8 % were cancer at final pathology
Benign/noncancerous: 59 % of all FNABs; of those only 3.7 % were cancer at final pathology
Indeterminate: 9.6 % of all FNABs; of those 15.9 % were cancer at final pathology
Suspicious for follicular cancer: 10.1 % of all FNABs; of those 26.1 % were cancer at final pathology
Suspicious for cancer: 2.6 % of all FNABs; of those 75.2 % were cancer at final pathology
Positive for cancer: 5.4 % of all FNABs; of those 98.6 % were cancer at final pathology
As a result, in patients with benign or inadequate FNAB results, other factors, such as USG findings (Table 21.3), personal history, and nodule size, should be considered for the decision to do surgery. The author researchers recommend to repeat FNAB when the diagnosis is indeterminate [45]. In this group, molecular markers (BRAF, RET/PTC, RAS, PAX8/PPAR mutations) (Table 21.2) may help to find out in which patients surgery is necessary [35, 46, 47]. Gene mutations are very rare in benign FNABs (approximately ≤5 %).
All patients suspicious for cancer category should undergo surgery because of the very high (75 %) possibility of cancer [41, 45].
Papillary, medullary, and anaplastic carcinomas can be easily diagnosed with FNA cytology, but it is difficult to distinguish benign from malignant follicular lesions. Histologic examination showing capsular and vascular invasion is necessary to classify a lesion as malignant for follicular and Hürtle cell neoplasia [7, 29, 37]. Molecular diagnostics may be useful to allow reclassification of follicular lesions, such as follicular neoplasm or follicular lesions with undetermined significance [48]. In the diagnosis of follicular lesion with undetermined significance (other terms are atypia of undetermined significance, rule out neoplasm, atypical follicular lesion, and cellular follicular lesion, and the estimated risk of malignancy is 5–10 %), FNA can be repeated or surgery can be considered according to the clinical and USG findings [42].
Another diagnostic method is radionuclide scan: In the last years, it is not used in the initial evaluation of thyroid nodule, except for suppressed TSH levels. In this situation, radionuclide scan is done to assess for a functioning (hot) adenoma. Malignant lesions usually are documented as hypofunctioning or cold lesions. The overall incidence of cancer in a cold nodule is 12–15 %, but it is higher in people younger than 40 years and in people with calcifications present on preoperative USG [49, 50].
Serum calcitonin measurement may be helpful for the diagnosis of MTC [51]. According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist/Associazione Medici Endocrinologi/European Thyroid Association (AACE/AME/ETA) guideline, assessment of serum thyroglobulin is not recommended in the differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules. In patients undergoing surgery for malignancy, serum thyroglobulin (Tg) measurement may be useful to detect potential false-negative results. Measurement of basal serum calcitonin level may be a useful test in the initial evaluation of thyroid nodules [43].
21.5 Staging and Prognosis
There are many prognostic factors for DTC. Age, sex, histologic type, tumor size, tumor grade, multicentricity, extrathyroidal extension, type of surgery, ploidy, lymph node metastases, vascular invasion, and 131I RAI ablation therapy are important prognostic factors [6, 7, 29, 30, 37, 52–55]. Also there are multiple prognostic scoring systems for DTC. These are AGES (age, grade, extent, size), AMES (age, metastases, extent, size), DAMES (ploidy + AMES), MACIS (metastases, age, completeness of resection, invasion, size), and the AJCC-TNM staging system 2010 7th edition (age, stage) (Tables 21.4 and 21.5) [52, 56–59]. Prognoses according to the type of cancer and stage are outlined in Table 21.6 [59, 60]. Age, size, and extent of the tumor are present in all prognostic scoring systems. Adverse prognostic factors included age older than 45 years, follicular histology, primary tumor size larger than 4 cm, extrathyroidal extension, and distant metastases.
Primary tumor (T) | |
Tx T0 T1 T1a T1b T2 T3 T4a T4b T4a T4b | All categories may be subdivided into (s) solitary tumor and (m) multifocal tumor Primary tumor cannot be assessed No evidence of primary tumor Tumor 2 cm or less in greatest dimension, limited to the thyroid Tumor 1 cm or less, limited to the thyroid Tumor more than 1 cm but not more than 2 cm in greatest dimension, limited to the thyroid Tumor more than 2 cm but not more than 4 cm in greatest dimension, limited to the thyroid Tumor more than 4 cm in greatest dimension, limited to the thyroid, or any tumor with minimal extrathyroidal extension (e.g., extension to the sternothyroid muscle or perithyroid soft tissues) Moderately advanced disease Tumor of any size extending beyond the thyroid capsule to invade the subcutaneous soft tissues, larynx, trachea, esophagus, or recurrent laryngeal nerve Very advanced disease Tumor invades the prevertebral fascia or encases the carotid artery or mediastinal vessels All anaplastic carcinomas are considered T4 tumors Intrathyroidal anaplastic carcinoma Anaplastic carcinoma with gross extrathyroidal extension |
Regional lymph nodes (N) | |
NX N0 N1 N1a N1b | Regional lymph nodes are the central compartment, lateral cervical, and upper mediastinal lymph nodes Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed No regional lymph node metastasis Regional lymph node metastasis Metastasis to level VI (pretracheal, paratracheal, and prelaryngeal/Delphian lymph nodes) Metastasis to the unilateral, bilateral, or contralateral cervical (levels I, II, III, IV, or V) or retropharyngeal or superior mediastinal lymph nodes (level VII) |
Distant metastases (M) | |
M0 | No distant metastasis |
M1 | Distant metastasis |
Stage | Papillary or follicular Age < 45 | Papillary or follicular Age > 45 | Medullary carcinoma, any age | Anaplastic carcinoma, any age |
I | M0 | T1, N0, M0 | T1, N0, M0 | |
II | M1 | T2, N0, M0 | T2, N0, M0 T3, N0, M0 | |
III | – | T3, N0, M0 T1–3, N1a, M0 | T1–3, N1a, M0 | |
IVA IVB IVC | – | T4a, N0–1a, M0 T1–3; N1b, M0 T4a, N1b, M0 T4b, any N, M0 Any T, any N, M1 | T4a, N0–1a, M0 T1–3; N1b, M0 T4a, N1b, M0 T4b, any N, M0 Any T, any N, M1 | T4a, any N, M0 T4b, any N, M0 Any T, any N, M1 |
Stage | Papillary | Follicular | Medullary | Anaplastic |
I | 100 | 100 | 100 | – |
II | 100 | 100 | 98 | – |
III | 93 | 71 | 81 | – |
IV | 51 | 50 | 28 | 7 |
21.5.1 Age and Sex
Age is the most important prognostic factor for thyroid cancer mortality [6, 7, 29, 37, 52, 56–59]. Thyroid carcinoma is more lethal in patients older than 40 years. The mortality rate increases dramatically after the age of 60. Recurrence frequencies are highest (40 %) in patients younger than 20 years or older than 60 years. Thyroid cancer is more aggressive in men than in women. The five-year survival rate is 85 % for females and 74 % for males [60].
21.5.2 Tumor Characteristics
The most important prognostic tumor characteristics are tumor histology, tumor size, vascular invasion, necrosis, BRAF mutation, local invasion, and metastases.
PTC has the most favorable prognosis. But tall cell, columnar cell, and diffuse sclerosing variants and anaplastic tumor transformation have worse prognosis. The follicular variant of PTC has the same prognosis with pure PTC [6, 7, 28, 29, 37].
FTC is more aggressive than PTC. Vascular invasion is a bad prognostic factor. Many FTCs are minimally invasive tumors, exhibiting only slight tumor capsule penetration without vascular invasion. They are less likely to produce distant metastases and prognosis is good. Highly invasive FTCs are much less common. Up to 80 % make metastases and cause death in about 20 % of the patients [6, 7, 29, 37, 52, 61].
HCC is an aggressive variant of FTC. Vascular invasion and older age are together with worse prognosis. HCC more frequently metastasizes than FTC [62]. Ten-year survival rates were 85 % for FTC and 76 % for HCC [63].
PTCs smaller than 1 cm are termed microcarcinoma or incidentaloma [29, 30, 37]. The risk of recurrence ranges from 1 to 2 % in unifocal papillary microcarcinoma, and 4–6 % in multifocal papillary microcarcinoma [64, 65]. Their cancer-specific mortality rates are near zero. DTC tumors, with size less than 1.5 cm and confined to the thyroid, almost never cause distant metastases. Thirty-year recurrence rates are one third of >1.5 cm tumors; 30-year cancer-specific mortality is 0.4 % compared to 7 % for ≥1.5 cm tumors [52]. There is a linear relationship between tumor size and recurrence and mortality for both PTC and FTC [52, 56–58].
BRAF mutation is associated with poor clinical outcome in patients with PTC [35].
PDTCs are more aggressive than DTC and less aggressive than ATC [36, 38, 39]. They are typically diagnosed in patients between the age of 55 and 63 years, a 2/1 female predominance. Extrathyroidal extension and extensive local invasion are typically present at the diagnosis. Regional lymph node metastases (50–83 %) and distant metastases (36–85 %), most commonly to the lungs and bones, are frequently seen in PDTC. Five-, ten-, and fifteen-year survival rates are 50, 34, and 0 %, respectively [36, 66, 67].
MTC is the intermediate differentiated thyroid carcinoma (Table 21.1). Overall, the 5-year survival is 80–86 % and the 10-year survival is 75 % [59, 60] (Table 21.6). In patients with sporadic MTC, a somatic RET oncogene mutation confers an adverse prognosis [68].
ATC has the worst prognosis [6, 7, 29, 37, 40]. Median survival is 4 to 5 months after diagnosis. Favorable prognostic features seem to be unilateral tumors, tumor size less than 5 cm, no invasion of adjacent tissue, and absence of nodal involvement or distant metastases [69]. Older age and high white blood cell count are bad prognostic factors [29].
21.5.3 Tumor Invasion
21.5.4 Regional Lymph Node Metastases
The prognostic significance of lymph node metastases is controversial [71, 72]. Lymph node metastases are frequent in PTC, especially multifocal PTC. The lymph node metastases rate is 35 % in adults with PTC and 80 % in children with PTC. The lymph node metastases ratio is 15 % in FTC, and together with worse prognosis. Older patients (>45 years) with PTC and The lymph node metastases ratio also have decreased survival [73]. In one study, the size of the metastatic lymph nodes (>3 cm vs <1 cm) and number of metastatic lymph nodes (<5 vs >5–10 involved lymph nodes) were found significant for prognosis [74].
21.5.5 Distant Metastases
Distant metastases are the main cause of death from DTC [6, 7, 29, 30, 37, 61]. Ten percent of patients with PTC and 25 % of patients with FTC develop distant metastases. The lungs, bones, soft tissues, and central nervous system are the most frequent metastatic sites. The main predictors of outcome for patients with distant metastases are the patient’s age, site of metastases, and 131I RAI uptake of the metastatic site. Younger patients have better prognosis. Bone metastases have worse prognosis. RAI-refractory metastases have worse prognosis.
21.5.6 Extent of Surgery
The extent of surgery is one of the important prognostic factors for patients with >1 cm DTC [52, 55]. The relapse rate and cancer-specific mortality rate of subtotal thyroidectomy are 40 and 9 % respectively. These numbers are 26 and 6 % with near-total or total thyroidectomy and statistically significant.
21.6 Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma
21.6.1 Treatment of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma
There are three major components in the treatment of DTC:
Postoperative 131I RAI ablation therapy
TSH suppression with thyroid hormone therapy
External beam radiotherapy (EBRT) can be used in the adjuvant treatment of some patients and in the metastatic disease, such as bone and brain metastases. Surgical Management of DTC
Total thyroidectomy is generally the standard surgical approach for most patients with DTC. Except for low-risk cancer found incidentally on the final pathology, most of the endocrine surgeons advocate for total thyroidectomy as the procedure of choice [50]. Arguments favoring total thyroidectomy are the presence of multiple foci in bilateral lobes in more than 60 % of patients, the adjuvant therapy using radioactive 131I, and the specificity of serum Tg concentration as a tumor marker.
Some institutions still advocate unilateral surgery, especially for patients whose primary tumor is <1 cm, due to the lack of survival benefit with more extensive surgery and the apparent lower risk of hypoparathyroidism and recurrent laryngeal nerve injury; these latter two complications of thyroidectomy occur in 1 % or less of total thyroidectomies when done by experienced endocrine surgeons. However, many consensus guidelines state that a total thyroidectomy is indicated if the primary tumor is >1 cm, there are contralateral thyroid nodules, regional or distant metastases are present, the patient has a personal history of radiation therapy to the head and neck, or the patient has first-degree family history of DTC [55]. Older age (>45 years) may also be a criterion for recommending near-total or total thyroidectomy even with tumors <1–1.5 cm, because of higher recurrence rates in this age group [58, 75–78].
Increased extent of primary surgery may improve survival for high-risk patients [79–81] and low-risk patients [55]. Other studies have also shown that rates of recurrence are reduced by total or near-total thyroidectomy among low-risk patients [76, 82, 83].
Thyroid lobectomy alone may be a sufficient treatment for small (<1 cm), low-risk, unifocal, intrathyroidal papillary carcinomas in the absence of prior head and neck irradiation or radiologically or clinically involved cervical nodal metastases.
For patients with cytologically suspicious follicular neoplasm, a unilateral lobectomy and isthmusectomy are the initial procedures of choice. If a malignant follicular lesion is confirmed on histopathology, then a completion thyroidectomy is warranted to allow for treatment with radioiodine therapy. Nodal metastases represent an uncommon finding in follicular carcinoma, but when present may indicate decreased survival.
In patients with papillary thyroid cancer, 20–90 % have central (or level VI) lymph nodes involved at the time of initial presentation, even in low-risk patients [84–88]. The presence of lymph node metastases increases risk for disease recurrence; however, it is only a minor risk factor for mortality. The common practice is to perform therapeutic central lymph node dissection when these lymph nodes are involved. However, it is controversial to perform routine prophylactic central lymph node dissection during total thyroidectomy. Major doubts are focused on whether lymph node metastasis poses impact on overall survival, whether it can reduce the recurrence rate, and whether the extension of surgery may bring more complications. Therefore, several compelling reasons exist to consider the routine clearance of the central lymph nodes at the time of initial thyroid surgery, including improvement in disease-free survival, accurate staging, decreased local recurrence rate, and utilization as an indication for adjuvant 131I ablative therapy [89]. According to data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program, lymph node metastasis increases mortality by 68 % in patients over 45 years of age with papillary thyroid cancer [90]. Accurate staging is important in treatment planning, and routine clearance of the central lymph nodes facilitates the nodal status determination.
As some reports have implicated, central lymph node dissection may increase morbidity such as transient hypoparathyroidism and recurrent laryngeal nerve injury [91, 92]. However, in experienced hands, it (therapeutic or prophylactic) can be achieved with low morbidity [93–97] and may upstage some patients from clinical N0 to pathologic N1a [98]. In addition, selective unilateral paratracheal central compartment node dissection increases the proportion of patients who appear disease-free with unmeasurable Tg levels 6 months after surgery [99]. Other studies of central lymph node dissection have demonstrated higher morbidity, primarily recurrent laryngeal nerve injury and transient hypoparathyroidism, with no reduction in recurrence [92, 100]. In another study, comprehensive (bilateral) central compartment dissection demonstrated higher rates of transient hypoparathyroidism compared to selective (unilateral) dissection with no reduction in rates of undetectable or low Tg levels [101]. Although some lymph node metastases may be treated with radioactive iodine, several treatments may be necessary, depending upon the histology, size, and number of metastases [102].
Lymph nodes in the lateral neck (compartments II–V), in level VII (anterior mediastinum), and rarely in level I may also be involved by thyroid cancer [85, 103]. Although unilateral and bilateral therapeutic lateral cervical lymph node dissection with curative intent is widely recognized, prophylactic lateral neck dissection is controversial. For those patients in whom nodal disease is clinically evident, surgical resection may reduce the risk of recurrence and possibly mortality [104–106]. Functional compartmental en bloc neck dissection is favored over isolated lymphadenectomy (“berry picking”) with limited data suggesting improved mortality [107–110]. Postoperative RAI Ablation Therapy
Radioiodine therapy with iodine-131 isotope (131I) is a well-established adjuvant therapy, which is performed after surgery for DTC patients. The principle of the therapy is that 131I is preferentially taken up and trapped by thyroid follicular cells, with just the same mechanism as its chemical analogue nonradioactive (cold) iodine. Contrary to cold iodine, 131I emits beta radiation as well as high energetic gamma radiation. Beta radiation from 131I is responsible for its therapeutic effect, while imaging can be done with the use of its gamma radiation. Therefore, postoperative radioiodine allows the identification of residual regional and/or distant metastatic disease as well as it exerts therapeutic effect to destroy tumor foci by internal radiation exposure.
The major aims of postoperative radioiodine therapy are:
To destroy any postoperative microscopic residual tumor foci, with internal radiation exposure by beta particles. The destroy process of residual regional tissue is preferably called “ablation.”
To ablate residual normal thyroid tissue and therefore to increase the specificity of subsequent 131I scintigraphy in the follow-up to detect any recurrence or metastasis.
To provide the use of serum Tg as a tumor marker for thyroid cancer in the follow-up of patients. After ablation of residual tissue postoperatively, any increase in Tg level would represent the presence of recurrent or metastatic disease.
To assess the postoperative staging of the patient. Whole-body scintigraphic imaging after administration of high dose of 131I for postoperative ablation makes it possible for the unexpected metastases to be detected easily. Therefore, the patients would be upstaged and additional 131I or other treatment options could be planned sequentially.
Some previous retrospective studies conclude that remnant ablation reduces long-term, disease-specific mortality in patients with primary tumors which are 1 cm or larger in diameter, those with multicentric disease, and those in whom there is evidence of soft tissue invasion at initial presentation [52, 80]. A meta-analysis on the effectiveness of ablative therapy reported that the risk of 10-year locoregional recurrence was lowered from 10 to 4 % and the rate of distant metastases was decreased from 4 to 2 % following 131I ablation therapy [111]. According to the results from a prospective study on 2936 patients in the National Thyroid Cancer Treatment Cooperative Study Group, postoperative 131I therapy improved overall survival in patients with stage II and higher stages of the disease [112]. Despite these data, there are some recent studies which show that some low-risk patients may not benefit from 131I therapy and that it should not be recommended for intrathyroidal solitary primary tumors <1 cm in diameter unless high-risk parameters or metastases exist. According to another recent study, the benefits of the therapy are more evident in tumors >1.5 cm or with residual disease following surgery, while patients with lower risk appear not to benefit [113].
Basically, the efficacy of 131I therapy depends on several factors such as patient preparation, tumor characteristics, extent and sites of disease, and the therapeutic dose of 131I. Iodine uptake by thyroid follicular cells, whether it is radioactive or not, is closely and directly related to the serum TSH level, while it is inversely related to the level of iodine pool within the body. Therefore, the patient should be off thyroxine (T4) at least for 3–4 weeks until the serum TSH level reaches 30 mU/l at minimum. To avoid some serious symptoms of hypothyroidism for especially older patients, liothyronine (T3) medication can be prescribed to be stopped 2 weeks before the administration of 131I. During 2 weeks before 131I administration, the patient is put on a low-iodine diet, in order to decrease the level of iodine pool, which has the potential to competitively inhibit 131I uptake and decrease the treatment efficiency. Radiocontrast media and some other agents such as hair dyes, which are very rich in iodine, are strictly forbidden to avoid competitive inhibition with 131I. Since 131I is orally administered, the patient should be in a fasting state at least for 4 h and continue to fast a few hours to establish a good gastric absorption, following the oral administration of the therapeutic dose. Then, the patient is encouraged to be well hydrated, especially at the first day of the therapy, in order to both decrease radiation exposure from the unbound 131I by increasing excretion and lower the glandular tissue exposure which may cause some side effects such as sialadenitis. To overcome such side effects, saliva stimulants like lemon juice or sour candies as well as antacids to protect the gastric mucosa are recommended.
The therapy dose varies between 30 and 100 mCi of 131I for postoperative ablation setting. A short-term individual hospitalization of the patient in specifically radiation-protected (shielded) rooms is usually needed for radiation protection, although it depends on legislative and regulatory issues which change from one country to another. Whole-body scintigraphic imaging is performed at the day of discharge or within a week from dose administration, to detect 131I uptake. Recently, SPECT/CT hybrid imaging has increased its use, given the advantages of providing sectional anatomic data of the sites with 131I uptake.
131I is known as a quite safe treatment option, with relatively low major side effects or complications [6, 7, 29, 37]. Short-term complications such as radiation thyroiditis, neck edema, sialadenitis, and tissue hemorrhage are rare and mostly occur in bulky residual tissue. Long-term complications are even more rare and increase with cumulative doses. These include xerostomia, lacrimal gland obstruction, pulmonary fibrosis if pulmonary metastases are present and treated with higher doses, and secondary malignancies, like leukemia and salivary gland, breast, and colon cancer, although there is conflicting data in literature. The only contraindication of 131I therapy is pregnancy and most of centers recommend their female patients not to get pregnant for at least 6 months, to avoid possible teratogenic effects to fetus growth. Similarly, male patients are strongly encouraged to use birth control methods at least for 4–6 months, following treatment, to avoid potential teratogenic effects. TSH Suppression with Thyroid Hormone Therapy
Patients have to receive thyroid hormone therapy after surgery and 131I RAI ablation therapy for two reasons [7, 29, 37, 42, 50]: (a) for the correction of iatrogenic hypothyroidism and (b) because TSH is a trophic hormone that can stimulate the growth of cells derived from follicular epithelium. TSH suppressive therapy in patients with DTC has been shown to increase two-to threefold especially in high-risk patients. However, the optimal serum levels of TSH have not been defined because of a lack of specific data. The NCCN panel recommends tailoring the degree of TSH suppression to the risk of recurrence and death from thyroid cancer for each individual patient [42]. For low-risk patients and patients with excellent response to initial therapy, thyroid hormone should be given to suppress the TSH level to 0.1–0.5 mU/L. For high-risk patients and patients with known residual disease, the recommended TSH level is below 0.1 mU/L. The risk and benefit of TSH suppression therapy must be balanced for each individual patient. The average dosage needed to attain the serum TSH level in the euthyroid range is higher in patients with operated thyroid carcinoma (2.11 mcg/kg/day) than in patients with primary hypothyroidism (1.62 mcg/kg/day) [114]. Higher doses are necessary for TSH suppression. Osteopenia, possible cardiac hypertrophy, and atrial fibrillation are some of the complications of TSH suppression therapy. For patients whose TSH levels are chronically suppressed, particularly postmenopausal patients, an adequate daily intake of calcium 1200 mg/day and vitamin D 1000 units/day is recommended [42]. Excessive TSH suppression (into the undetectable level or thyrotoxic level) is not required to prevent disease progression in all DTC patients.

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