Complications Following Distraction-Based Growth-Friendly Surgery in Early-Onset Scoliosis

Fig. 50.1
(a, b) A 9-year-old boy with idiopathic EOS treated with dual growing rods. Seven years after beginning treatment, he had a deep wound infection and was treated with irrigation and debridement. (a) The implant removed partially and temporarily on one side to help the healing process. (b) After complete recovery, the revision surgery was done to complete the treatment with dual growing rod technique

Twenty-two (52 %) of forty-two patients who developed deep infection had removal of implants to control the infection. Nine of the twenty-two had only partial removal, and routine lengthenings could continue. Thirty-one (74 %) of the forty-two patients with deep infection had completed the growing rod treatment or were still undergoing lengthenings at the latest follow-up.

50.3.4 Implant-Related Complications

Implant-related complications are the most common complications in growing rod surgeries. These include rod fracture, anchor failure, or prominent implant, which can cause skin breakdown and even infection (Figs. 50.2, 50.3, and 50.4). Among the implant-related complications, rod fractures are the most common problem.


Fig. 50.2
A 6-year-old boy with Beal’s syndrome treated with dual growing rods for progressive scoliosis presented with low back pain. (a, b) Posterior-anterior (PA) and lateral radiographs confirmed rod fracture. (c, d) Revision surgery was done and the broken rods were replaced (Courtesy of Burt Yaszay, MD San Diego)


Fig. 50.3
(a) Hook dislodgement in the lower foundation, in a patient with EOS treated with dual growing rods. (b) Hooks were replaced with pedicle screws


Fig. 50.4
(a) Prominent implants in an 8-year-old patient treated with dual growing rods. (b) Prominent implants can cause skin breakage and wound infection if not treated properly

Yang et al. [20] reported the GSSG experience of 86 rod fractures in 46 patients. The overall rate of rod fracture was 15 %; however, the risk was increased in patients with single rods, history of previous fracture, small diameter rods, stainless steel rods, proximity to tandem connectors, and smaller tandem connectors and in ambulatory patients. The rate of rod fracture did not correlate with anchor type or degree of the curve. It is advised that replacing the rod may be a preferred strategy over connecting the broken rods.

Asymptomatic implant failure may be revised at the time of planned lengthening surgery. If only one rod in a dual rod construct is broken, it is recommended to change both rods if possible to prevent early fracture of the second rod.

There are changes of the anchor sites that are expected because of normal spinal growth and are not considered true complications. These include hook and screw migrations due to vertebral growth, requiring revision, which can be usually performed at the time of planned surgeries.

50.3.5 Alignment Complications

It is important to obtain and maintain acceptable coronal and sagittal alignment at initial surgery. Multiple studies have shown improvement of coronal and sagittal plane deformity after initial TGR surgery in both single and dual GR techniques [21]. To avoid proximal junctional kyphosis, the rods should be contoured into kyphosis at the top of the construct and the interspinous ligaments kept intact as much as possible. The upper foundation is usually extended to T2 and occasionally even higher to reduce the risk of proximal junctional kyphosis. This is especially true in children with non-idiopathic scoliosis. If there is thoracic hyperkyphosis, the rods should be contoured into kyphosis since excessive correction may lead to implant/anchor site failure postoperatively. The tandem connectors should be placed at the thoracolumbar junction and not at the lordotic or kyphotic segments of the spine unless it can be contoured. Short instrumentation, especially in patients with non-idiopathic scoliosis, should be avoided to prevent adding on to the curve as the child grows. In cases of MCGR, the actuator cannot be contoured, so the rod proximal to it needs to accommodate for the straight segment. If more rod length is needed for contouring, a smaller actuator (e.g., 70 mm) can be used which leaves more rod for contouring (see Chap. 47) [22, 23].

Another possible complication is curve decompensation. If the levels are selected carefully and initial instrumentation done accordingly, curve decompensation is unlikely. In the original report on dual growing rods, Akbarnia et al. [17] reported only two cases of curve decompensation following final fusion, both treated by extension of the instrumentation and fusion (Fig. 50.5).


Fig. 50.5
(a, b) Curve decomposition in an early-onset scoliosis patient treated with a short dual growing rod construct. If the levels are selected carefully and initial instrumentation done accordingly, curve decomposition is unlikely

50.3.6 Neurological Complications

Neurological complications are uncommon in growing rod surgeries without associated procedures. Neurological deficit may occur with excessive distraction or with significant deformity correction. The incidence of intraoperative neurological injury is 0.1 % in index surgeries, revision, and lengthenings [24]. Intraoperative neuromonitoring is a reliable way to monitor changes during surgery and is recommended for primary insertion and exchanges, but not used routinely by everyone for lengthening [24].

Careful lengthening to avoid over distraction at initial surgery and at lengthening procedures will reduce the risk of complications. In revision and exchange surgeries using dual rods, it is helpful to maintain a baseline length by keeping one side of the construct intact. Two rare cases of delayed neurological event are reported [25, 26], and both recovered after immediate shortening of the rods. Therefore, the child should continue to be closely monitored during the immediate postoperative period for development of any late neurological deficit.

It is necessary to follow proper surgical technique to reduce the rate of complications and to achieve the best long-term results. This is especially important during the initial surgery to pay special attention to the details of selection of the levels, exposure, anchor insertion, and rod contouring and placement to reduce the complication rate in these complex surgical procedures.

50.4 Complications in VEPTR and Rib-Based Distraction Devices

VEPTR and growing rods are both distraction-based growth-friendly techniques and therefore share many of the same complications associated with repeat surgeries [27] The advent of self-lengthening devices (MAGEC) may result in fewer complications owing to the decreased number of surgeries. Some types of complications are unique to rib-based distraction and VEPTR [2831]. Familiarity with VEPTR-related complications will help the surgeon choose the most satisfactory growth-sparing surgical technique for a particular EOS and proactively avoid complications as much as feasible.

50.4.1 Rib-Based and VEPTR Anchor Point Problems

The cephalad attachments of VEPTR devices are circumferential rib “cradles,” while the caudal attachments may be ribs, spine, or pelvis [10]. Non-VEPTR rib-based techniques generally use upward-directed distraction spine hooks as rib anchors beneath the caudal surface of the ribs. Acute rib anchor failure is usually rib cutout or fracture and associated with excessive stress or poor quality of rib bone such as bone dysplasia or nutritional osteopenia [32] (Fig. 50.6). Preoperative assessment of bone density and treatment of osteopenia or osteoporosis will minimize this complication. Rarely acute dislocation of the entire rib at the costovertebral articulation occurs if excessive distraction force is applied to the rib. Acute loss of rib fixation is best avoided by distributing distraction force to multiple anchor points (“load sharing”), either by encircling more than one rib (VEPTR I) or staggered multiple anchors (VEPTR II) [33] (Fig. 50.7) or similar configurations with multiple spine hooks used on the ribs. Where appropriate, an expansion thoracostomy [28] can diminish the necessary distraction force needed to achieve control of combined chest and spine deformity. Kyphotic deformities corrected by cantilever forces applied via the upper rib attachment may fail acutely if too much deformity is corrected. Chronic migration or “drift” of rib anchors is a common phenomenon, particularly in rib-to-spine more than rib-to-rib distraction constructs [10, 2831, 34, 35]. Campbell [31] reported drift of rib attachments in 7 of 27 patients. Usually rib anchor drift is not functionally significant, as the drifting rib attachment gradually pulls with it a solid bone attachment and remains functionally connected to ribs, but some lose functional connection and require revision, which can usually be done at the time of a planned lengthening. Distal migration of VEPTR iliac S-hooks is common over time, particularly in ambulatory patients or unilateral devices [36, 37]. Distal drift of an S-hook can be troubling, as the S-hook becomes buried in the ilium, gradually drifting toward the acetabulum. Earlier revision of drifting S-hooks should be considered to avoid the need for extensive bone removal to access buried S-hooks.


Fig. 50.6
Acute rib fracture in VEPTR rib-based distraction. An 11-year-old with uncharacterized bone dysplasia and severe kyphoscoliosis (a, b) was treated with 2 months of halo gravity traction followed by bilateral rib-to-pelvis VEPTR devices. Postoperatively he turned in bed and felt pain. X-rays (c) and CT (d) revealed bilateral rib fractures and cephalad displacement of both rib anchors. Revision to new rib anchor points restored fixation but with less correction (e, f). Bone dysplasia and osteopenia contributed to weakness of the rib attachments


Fig. 50.7
Multiple rib anchor points facilitate load sharing and chest expansion. A 6-year-old with collapsing spine and chest deformity and osteopenia was treated with bilateral rib to pelvis constructs. Multiple rib anchor points were used to distribute force and normalize chest shape

50.4.2 Brachial Plexus Injury

Injury to the brachial plexus is unique to VEPTR and rib-based distraction techniques which commonly use the uppermost chest wall for attachment points [30, 38, 39]. Concomitant congenital rib and shoulder anomalies may contribute to the occurrence of injury, but two definite etiologies for brachial plexus injury in primary VEPTR or rib-based surgery are recognized. The brachial plexus can be injured directly by an implant placed too cephalad and laterally in the uppermost thorax. Campbell has described the boundaries for safe upper rib cradle placement, suggesting devices should remain medial to the scalene muscles and never cephalad to the second rib [10]. Probably the most common etiology for brachial plexus injury is compression of the plexus between the acutely cephalad-displaced upper chest wall and the clavicle or upper humerus at the time of the initial distraction and expansion procedure. Nassr et al. [38] has validated this explanation experimentally. Brachial plexus palsy may be delayed, as the compression gradually takes effect and postoperative swelling occurs. Awareness of the possibility of brachial plexus palsy and attention to upper extremity motor and sensory monitoring intraoperatively can provide early warning [39]. If extensive displacement of the thorax is planned or the chest wall soft tissue covering is stiff, preliminary clavicular osteotomy, as done for correction of Sprengel’s deformity, and preliminary implantation of a tissue expander may help avoid brachial plexus compression. VEPTR when used as a pure spine distraction device, such as in the minimally incisional technique described by Smith [34, 35], is not associated with brachial plexus injury, as there is much less acute chest expansion.

50.4.3 Chest Wall Scarring and Heterotopic Ossification

Rib-based attachments such as VEPTR or chronic contact between the chest wall and either rib-based or spine-based rods can produce local chest wall scarring and fusions between otherwise normal ribs. This phenomenon is readily seen clinically at the time of revision or on CT and has been documented [40, 41]. The clinical significance of chest wall scarring and fusions between ribs in the EOS patient is not clear. If the preoperative condition included a congenitally stiff, small thorax such as that seen with congenital rib fusions, spondylocostal or spondylothoracic dysplasia, or some myopathies, then the stiffness created by rib-based devices, or spine-based devices contacting the ribs, is likely not significant, as the result of treatment remains the creation of a larger albeit still stiff thorax. However, if the chest wall was mobile preoperatively and there were not extensive congenital rib fusions, then the scarring, rib fusions, and stiffness associated with treatment may be relatively detrimental to thoracic function when compared to techniques that do not directly affect the chest wall. The leather-like scarring on the chest wall beneath spine- or rib-based devices is readily apparent to the surgeon at the time of device exchange. Re-fusion of previously separated congenitally fused ribs can occur and may be a cause of deformity progression and inability to continue with lengthening. Repeat osteotomy of rib fusions can lead to improvement in deformity and continued lengthening [41]. Rib re-fusions are typically medial in location or beneath VEPTR devices. Excision of the bony bridge and release of the adjacent chest wall scar usually permits resumption of device lengthening (Fig. 50.8). If VEPTR lengthening becomes increasingly difficult, a search for rib fusion by CT is appropriate.


Fig. 50.8
Unintended rib fusion is common in rib-based techniques. Congenital rib fusions and scoliosis were treated with expansion thoracostomy and VEPTR devices at age 13 months (a). At age 8 (b) device distraction became difficult and CT (c) revealed extensive recurrent rib fusions beneath the VEPTR device. Revision with resection of rib fusions and repeat expansion thoracostomy regained control of chest and spine deformity and has continued to withstand repeated lengthening through 4-year (d) follow-up. When lengthening of VEPTR or other rib-based devices becomes difficult, CT may reveal underlying rib fusions, which may be amenable to repeat expansion thoracostomy

50.4.4 Scapulothoracic Scarring

Scapulothoracic stiffness, subscapular bursa formation, and spontaneous fusion of the scapula to the VEPTR device and ribs can occur. The location of upper rib-based anchors beneath the scapula stimulates bursa formation and may contribute to shoulder stiffness. If the original procedure included a thoracostomy, the incision of the scapular stabilizing muscles may contribute to scapulothoracic stiffness or dysfunction. Repetitive incisions for lengthening in the area also contribute to scapulothoracic scarring. Attention to surgical technique, early encouragement of range-of-motion exercises, and placement of lengthening incisions away from the scapula may help preserve scapulothoracic function in rib-based devices. If scapulothoracic motion is limited, a CT may reveal bridging bone between scapula and ribs at the location of the subscapular rib-based attachment (Fig. 50.9). At the time of device exchange or as a separate procedure, it is possible to mobilize the scapula from the underlying thorax, freeing scar and adhesions, and excising bony bridges. Postoperative physical therapy is needed to retain mobility.


Fig. 50.9
Unintended scapula to thoracic fusion. Scapulothoracic stiffness is common, and occasional fusion between the ribs and scapula in the area of the upper thoracic rib attachment can occur. In this example, expansion thoracostomy and VEPTR insertion were done for severe congenital scoliosis and extensive unilateral rib fusions. Increasing shoulder stiffness was noted at age 6. CT showed bony fusion between the scapula and ribs and upper portion of the device. Revision with resection of the bony bridge and physical therapy improved scapulothoracic motion somewhat

50.4.5 Wound Integrity and Infection

Wound problems may limit the duration and success of rib-based distraction devices. Integrity of the wound is particularly important for the initial procedure as well as multiple subsequent lengthening procedures. Wound dehiscence or superficial wound infection may lead to deep infection involving the implant, a difficult problem at best with implant removal sometimes needed (Fig. 50.10). Experience with implant infection in VEPTR and rib-based devices is well documented by Campbell, Smith, and others [42, 43]. Preoperative nutrition, soft tissue health, and soft tissue handling are important deterrents to perioperative infection. Predisposing factors to wound problems include poor nutrition, prior infections, or prior incisions in the area such as in myelodysplasia and many neuromuscular deformities, where there may be insensate skin or an uncooperative patient. Nutrition should be assessed and must be optimal preoperatively, even to the point of establishing enteral feeding to encourage weight gain. Preoperative planning of skin flaps and use of tissue expanders can help avoid leaving surgical incisions directly over prominent devices. For expansion thoracotomies, the author prefers to create flaps in which the muscle layer is longer than the overlying skin, making dehiscence less likely (Fig. 50.11). Excessive tension on the wound must be avoided. Prominent devices need to be protected from pressure in the post-op period, and a donut-like padding is incorporated into the post-op dressing.
Sep 22, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on Complications Following Distraction-Based Growth-Friendly Surgery in Early-Onset Scoliosis

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