Bell Palsy and Cranial Neuropathies

Bell Palsy and Cranial Neuropathies

Comana M. Cioroiu

Thomas H. Brannagan III

Isolated cranial neuropathies are not uncommon, the most frequently encountered of which is Bell palsy. These syndromes can be seen in both the inpatient and outpatient settings, and all have a very varied differential diagnosis. The cranial nerve examination is a crucial component of a complete neurologic exam. Cranial nerve injury can be implicated in various diseases with widespread neurologic involvement such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, and demyelinating neuropathies, particularly when other pathways and neuroanatomic regions are involved as well. Cranial neuropathies can occur together (with involvement of more than one nerve) or in isolation (with involvement of only one nerve). Multiple cranial neuropathies are most often caused by cancer, infarct, and trauma, and these etiologies must be considered and carefully excluded when evaluating these patients, with particular attention paid to the brain stem where several cranial nerves localize together. However, occasionally, there may be abnormal findings limited to one cranial nerve in isolation. In these instances of isolated cranial neuropathies, the differential diagnosis depends on the nerve involved and the clinical picture as a whole. This chapter will address common cranial mononeuropathies and their evaluation and management. Several of these are addressed in other chapters of this text and are referred to when appropriate.


The ability to smell is a special quality relegated to the olfactory cells in the nasal mucosa. The molecular biology of smell is uncertain, but transcription-activating factors, such as Olf-1, found exclusively in neurons with olfactory receptors, probably direct cellular differentiation. Smell may be impaired after injury of the nasal mucosa, the olfactory bulb or its filaments, or central nervous system (CNS) connections. Nerve injury causes diminution or loss of the sense of smell. The most common complaint of patients with olfactory nerve injury, however, is not loss of smell but diminished taste; olfaction plays a key role in taste perception because of the volatile substances in many food and beverages. A loss of sense of smell may be congenital or acquired and occurs in various conditions (Table 86.1). The sense of smell is most commonly impaired, transiently, because of allergic nasal congestion or the common cold. The most common traumatic olfactory nerve injury occurs in head injury, usually of the acceleration-deceleration variety, including motor vehicle accidents. The delicate olfactory nerve filaments are sheared by the perforations of the cribriform plate. The olfactory bulb can also be contused or lacerated in head injuries. Leigh and Zee (2006) reported altered olfactory sense in 7.2% of patients with head injuries at a military hospital, with complete loss in 4.1% and partial loss in 3.1%. Recovery of smell occurred in only 6 of 72 patients. In a study of head injuries in civilians, Friedman and Merritt (1944) found that the olfactory nerve was damaged in 11 (2.6%) of 430 patients. In all patients, anosmia was bilateral. In three, the loss was transient and disappeared within 2 weeks of injury. Parosmia (i.e., perversion of sense of smell) was present in 12 patients.

Inflammatory or neuritic lesions of the bulb or tract are uncommon, but these structures are sometimes affected in meningitis or in mononeuritis multiplex. Rarely, patients with diabetes mellitus have impaired smell, sometimes stemming from olfactory nerve infarction. Hyposmia or anosmia is also common early in Refsum disease (an autosomal recessive disease leading to an overaccumulation of phytanic acid). Kallmann syndrome is an X-linked inherited disorder causing hypogonadism and anosmia due to olfactory tract hypoplasia. The olfactory bulb or tract may be compressed by meningiomas (particularly at the olfactory groove or sphenoidal ridge), metastatic tumors, or aneurysms in the anterior fossa or by infiltrating tumors of the frontal lobe. The Foster-Kennedy syndrome is a classic syndrome caused by a tumor invading the orbitofrontal region, leading to unilateral and ipsilateral optic atrophy, contralateral papilledema, and anosmia. Neurodegenerative diseases at times may be heralded by a loss of smell, and this is seen particularly with Parkinson disease, where loss of smell may be a presenting sign. Certain drugs are often implicated in a loss of smell, particularly cocaine when used intranasally, although other toxins such as cadmium and chemotherapeutic agents have been implicated as well.

Parosmia is not accompanied by impairment of olfactory acuity and is most commonly caused by lesions of the temporal lobe, although it has been reported with injury to the olfactory bulb or tract.
Olfactory hallucinations may occur in psychosis or as a seizure aura that involves the hippocampal or uncinate gyrus; perceptions are described as strange, unpleasant, and ill-defined odors. Increased sensitivity to olfactory stimuli is generally rare, although it may occur in migraineurs and in patients with reactive airways disease, perhaps because of prior sensitization to olfactory triggers. Cases in which the sense of smell is so acute that it is a source of continuous discomfort, however, may be psychogenic.

TABLE 86.1 Causes of Loss of Smell Related to Olfactory Nerve Injury


Refsum disease

Kallmann syndrome

Congenital anosmia



  • Rhinitis

  • Meningitis

  • Mononeuritis multiplex

Head trauma


  • Meningioma at olfactory groove

  • Frontal lobe glioma

  • Metastasis


  • Parkinson disease

  • Alzheimer disease


  • Cocaine

  • Cadmium

  • Smoking

  • Chemotherapeutic agents

Vitamin deficiency

  • Thiamine (B1)

  • B12

Psychiatric disease


Disorders of the visual system are described in Chapter 9.


The fifth cranial nerve, or the trigeminal nerve, has both a large sensory component as well as a smaller motor component. The nerve has three major branches—the ophthalmic division (V1), the maxillary division (V2), and the mandibular division (V3). These three branches carry sensory information from distinct dermatomes of the face, head, and mucous membranes and converge on the trigeminal or gasserian ganglion located in Meckel’s cave (which serves as the dorsal root ganglion). Sensory fibers from all three divisions ascend in the pons to terminate in the three parts of the trigeminal nucleus. The spinal trigeminal nucleus receives afferent fibers related to facial pain and temperature sensation, the principal sensory nucleus receives fibers related to light touch and mechanoreception, whereas the mesencephalic nucleus contains cell bodies with fibers carrying information regarding jaw proprioception. Motor branches originate in the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve and are distributed in the mandibular division to innervate the muscles of mastication.

Injury to the fifth cranial nerve causes loss of soft-tactile, thermal, and pain sensation in the face; loss of the corneal and sneezing (i.e., sternutatory) reflexes; and paralysis of the muscles of mastication. Lesions of the trigeminal pathways in the pons usually affect the motor and chief sensory nuclei causing paralysis of the muscles of mastication and loss of light touch perception in the face; lesions in the medulla affect only the descending tract and cause loss of facial light touch sensation. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with contrast is often useful to search for mass lesions, ischemia, and inflammation, whereas electrophysiologic testing (e.g., blink reflex testing) may help quantitate both the afferent (i.e., trigeminal nerve) and efferent (i.e., facial nerve) components of the corneal reflex. The fifth nerve may be injured by trauma, neoplasm, aneurysm, or meningeal infection. Infarcts and other vascular lesions, as well as intramedullary tumors, may damage the sensory and motor nuclei in the pons and medulla. Isolated lesions of the descending tract may occur in syringobulbia or in multiple sclerosis. Common causes of trigeminal nerve injury with facial numbness include dental or cranial trauma, herpes zoster, head and neck tumors, intracranial tumors, and idiopathic trigeminal neuropathy. Less common causes include multiple sclerosis, systemic sclerosis, mixed connective tissue diseases, amyloidosis, and sarcoidosis. Isolated facial numbness may also occur without a clearly identifiable cause (i.e., idiopathic trigeminal neuropathy), but these patients must be carefully evaluated to ensure an occult process is not overlooked. Although restricted loss of sensation over the chin (i.e., the numb chin syndrome) usually is caused by dental trauma, dental or surgical procedures, or even poorly fitting dentures, this syndrome is a recognized initial feature of a systemic malignancy such as lymphoma, metastatic breast carcinoma, melanoma, or prostate cancer. MRI of the mandible may help separate these disorders. Painful facial numbness may herald nasopharyngeal or metastatic carcinoma. Isolated weakness of the trigeminal innervated muscles of mastication may be seen in motor neuron disease where patients often develop jaw weakness and dysphagia. This can also be seen with diseases of the neuromuscular junction, that is, myasthenia gravis.


Epidemiology and Pathobiology

Trigeminal neuralgia, also commonly known as tic douloureux, is a syndrome of extremely severe facial pain without numbness or objective findings in the fifth nerve distribution (see also Chapter 55). This disorder of the trigeminal nerve is characterized by recurrent paroxysms of sharp, stabbing pains in the distribution of one or more nerve branches. Unlike herpes zoster, the second and third divisions of the trigeminal nerve are the most commonly involved and the first is primarily affected in only less than 5% of patients. Onset is usually in middle or late life but may occur at any age. Typical trigeminal neuralgia occasionally affects children but rarely occurs before age 35 years—presentation at that age should prompt an investigation for demyelinating disease. The incidence of trigeminal neuralgia is slightly greater in women than in men and found to be about 12.6 per 100,000 people in some studies.

The cause remains unknown. In most cases, no organic disease of the fifth nerve or the CNS is identified. Degenerative or fibrotic changes in the gasserian ganglion have been described but are too variable to be considered causal. Trigeminal nerve compression related to an anomalous blood vessel, usually in the vicinity of the ganglion, is a long-standing but controversial etiology of the disorder. Most commonly, this is thought to be compression by a loop of either the anterior inferior cerebellar or superior cerebellar artery. Painful symptoms typical of trigeminal neuralgia occasionally occur with demyelinating brain stem lesions including those produced by multiple sclerosis, as well as vascular ischemia affecting the descending root of the fifth nerve. When trigeminal neuralgia has a known structural cause, it is categorized as symptomatic, as opposed to the idiopathic form that has no known etiology. Although trigeminal neuralgia usually follows other symptoms of multiple sclerosis rather than precedes them, up to 10% of patients may have facial pain as part of their initial presentation. Tumors invading the gasserian ganglion or the cerebellopontine angle may also cause symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia, although usually in the setting of an abnormal neurologic examination. The paroxysmal attacks of facial pain in trigeminal neuralgia may be related to excessive discharge within the descending nucleus of the nerve triggered by an influx of impulses. Relief of symptoms by section of the greater auricular or occipital nerves in some patients suggests a role for peripheral excitation, and interruption of an episode by intravenous phenytoin, as well as a general therapeutic response to antiepileptic agents, suggests aberrant neuronal discharge may also play an important part in the pathophysiology of this disorder. Trigeminal neuralgia is the most common of all neuralgias.


The seventh cranial nerve (facial nerve), although predominantly motor, also serves an important parasympathetic and sensory function (Fig. 86.1). On exiting the brain stem ventrally via the internal acoustic meatus in the petrous part of the temporal bone near the pontomedullary junction, the facial nerve forms two divisions: the nervus intermedius and the motor root. The motor root is
composed of nerve fibers arising from the facial motor nucleus, and after exiting the nucleus, these axons travel dorsomedially in the pons to circle the abducens nucleus (thus forming the facial colliculus) and travel down to meet the nervus intermedius to form the facial nerve. The nervus intermedius arises from superior salivatory and lacrimal nuclei (eventually sending parasympathetic innervation to the salivary glands, specifically the submaxillary and sphenopalatine ganglia), the nucleus solitarius (fibers of which ultimately relays afferent taste sensation from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue), and the spinal trigeminal nucleus (carrying somatosensory afferent fibers to parts of the face and ear). The fibers of the seventh cranial nerve arising from the spinal trigeminal nucleus may also relay proprioceptive impulses from the facial muscles and cutaneous sensation from the posteromedial surface of the pinna and the external auditory canal. The fibers arising from the nucleus solitarius and spinal trigeminal nucleus together synapse in the geniculate ganglion in close proximity to the brain stem. Distal to the geniculate ganglion, the facial nerve forms several branches. Axons from the superior lacrimal nucleus form the greater petrosal nerve, which synapses in the sphenopalatine ganglion prior to innervating the lacrimal glands. Fibers originating from the nucleus solitarius and the superior salivatory and nuclei travel further distally in the facial nerve prior to forming the chorda tympani, a branch of the nerve which crosses the middle ear and exits the skull to join the lingual nerve. Just prior to the chorda tympani, the facial nerve also gives off a motor branch to the stapedius muscle. Distal to the chorda tympani, the motor root of the facial nerve runs through the facial canal and exits the skull via the stylomastoid foramen. At this point, it gives rise to the posterior auricular nerve innervating the scalp and ear, as well as a motor branch to the stylohyoid muscle and digastric muscle. The nerve then continues on into the parotid gland, where it divides into its five major branches—temporal, zygomatic, buccal, marginal mandibular, and cervical.

FIGURE 86.1 Anatomy of the facial nerve. (From Campbell WW. DeJong’s The Neurologic Examination. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2005.)

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