Effects of Toxins and Physical Agents on the Nervous System

Chapter 58 Effects of Toxins and Physical Agents on the Nervous System

In this chapter, the effects of occupational toxins and drug abuse on the nervous system are considered, as are biological toxins and physical agents. Neurotoxic disorders, especially those with an iatrogenic basis, are well described. Hence, any neurological condition such as a peripheral neuropathy may be thought to be caused by a neurotoxin. Nevertheless, neurotoxic disorders are occurring increasingly as a result of occupational or environmental exposure to chemical agents and often go unrecognized.

Exposure to neurotoxins may lead to dysfunction of any part of the central, peripheral, or autonomic nervous system and the neuromuscular apparatus. Neurotoxic disorders are recognized readily if a close temporal relationship exists between the clinical onset and prior exposure to a chemical agent, especially one known to be neurotoxic. Known neurotoxins produce stereotypical neurological disturbances that generally cease to progress soon after exposure is discontinued and ultimately improve to a variable extent. Recognition of a neurotoxic disorder is more difficult when exposure is chronic or symptoms are nonspecific. Diagnosis may be clouded by concerns about possible litigation, and the problem is compounded when the exposure history is unclear. Patients often attribute symptoms of an idiopathic disorder to chemical exposure when no other cause can be found. Such patients have often been exposed to several chemical agents or are known to abuse alcohol or other drugs, thereby further confounding the issue.

Single case reports that an agent is neurotoxic are unreliable, especially when the neurological symptoms are frequent in the general population. Epidemiological studies may be helpful in establishing a neurotoxic basis for symptoms. However, many of the published studies are inadequate because of methodological problems such as the selection of appropriate control subjects. Recognition of a neurotoxic basis for neurobehavioral disorders, for example, requires matching of exposed subjects and unexposed controls not only for age, gender, and race but also for premorbid cognitive ability; educational, social, and cultural background; and alcohol, recreational drug, and medication use. Laboratory test results are often unhelpful in confirming that the neurological syndrome is caused by a specific agent, either because the putative neurotoxin cannot be measured in body tissues or because the interval since exposure makes such measurements meaningless.

The part of the central, peripheral, or autonomic nervous system and the neuromuscular apparatus damaged by exposure to neurotoxins depends on the responsible agent. The pathophysiological basis of neurotoxicity is often unknown. In considering the possibility of a neurotoxic disorder, it is important to obtain a detailed account of all chemicals to which exposure has occurred, including details of the duration and severity of exposure, any protective measures taken, and the context in which exposure occurred. Then it must be determined whether any of these chemicals are known to be neurotoxic and whether symptoms are compatible with the known toxicity of the suspected compound. Many neurotoxins can produce clinical disorders that resemble well-known metabolic, nutritional, or degenerative neurological disorders, and it is therefore important to consider these and any other relevant disease processes in the differential diagnosis. Neurotoxins cause diffuse rather than focal or lateralized neurological dysfunction. In recognizing new neurotoxic disorders, a clustering of cases is often important, but this may not be evident until patients are referred for specialist evaluation.

The neurological disorder is typically monophasic. Although progression may occur for several weeks after exposure has been discontinued (“coasting”), it is eventually arrested, and improvement may then follow, depending on the severity of the original disorder. Prolonged or progressive deterioration long after exposure has been discontinued, or the development of neurological symptoms months to years after exposure, suggests that a neurotoxic disorder is not responsible.

Occupational Exposure to Organic Chemicals


Acrylamide polymers are used as flocculators and are constituents of certain adhesives and products such as cardboard or molded parts. They also are used as grouting agents for mines and tunnels, a solution of the monomer being pumped into the ground where polymerization is allowed to occur. The monomer is neurotoxic, and exposure may occur during its manufacture or in the polymerization process. Most cases of acrylamide toxicity occur by inhalation or cutaneous absorption. Acrylamide can be formed by cooking various carbohydrate-rich foods at high temperatures, but consumption is unlikely to be sufficient for neurotoxicity. The acrylamide is distributed widely throughout the body and is excreted primarily through the kidneys. The mechanism responsible for its neurotoxicity is unknown. Studies in animals have shown early abnormalities in axonal transport, which may account for the histopathological changes discussed here.

Clinical manifestations of acrylamide toxicity depend on the severity of exposure. Acute high-dose exposure results in confusion, hallucinations, reduced attention span, drowsiness, and other encephalopathic changes. A peripheral neuropathy of variable severity may occur after acute high-dose or prolonged low-level exposure. The neuropathy is a length-dependent axonopathy involving both sensory and motor fibers; some studies suggest that terminal degeneration precedes axonopathy and is the primary site of involvement, leading to a defect in neurotransmitter release (LoPachin, 2005). Hyperhidrosis and dermatitis may develop before the neuropathy is evident clinically in those with repeated skin exposure. Ataxia from cerebellar dysfunction also occurs and relates to degeneration of afferent and efferent cerebellar fibers and Purkinje cells. Neurological examination reveals distal sensorimotor deficits and early loss of all tendon reflexes rather than simply the Achilles reflex, which is usually affected first in most length-dependent neuropathies. Autonomic abnormalities other than hyperhidrosis are uncommon. Gait and limb ataxia are usually greater than can be accounted for by the sensory loss. With discontinuation of exposure, the neuropathy “coasts,” arrests, and may then slowly reverse, but residual neurological deficits are common. These consist particularly of spasticity and cerebellar ataxia; the peripheral neuropathy usually remits because regeneration occurs in the peripheral nervous system. No specific treatment exists. Studies in rats have shown that administration of FK506 to increase Hsp-70 expression may exert a neuroprotective effect and have therefore suggested that compounds eliciting a heat shock response may be useful for treating the neuropathy in humans (Gold et al., 2004).

Electrodiagnostic studies provide evidence of an axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy. Workers exposed to acrylamide may be monitored electrophysiologically by recording sensory nerve action potentials, which are attenuated early in the course of the disorder, or by measuring the vibration threshold. Histopathological studies show accumulation of neurofilaments in axons, especially distally, and distal degeneration of peripheral and central axons. The role of neurofilament accumulation in the generation of axonal degeneration has been questioned (Stone et al., 2001). The large myelinated axons are involved first. The affected central pathways include the ascending sensory fibers in the posterior columns, the spinocerebellar tracts, and the descending corticospinal pathways. Involvement of postganglionic sympathetic efferent nerve fibers accounts for the sudomotor dysfunction. Measurement of hemoglobin-acrylamide adducts may be useful in predicting the development of peripheral neuropathy.

Carbon Disulfide

Carbon disulfide is used as a solvent or soil fumigant, in perfume production, in certain varnishes and insecticides, in the cold vulcanization of rubber, and in manufacturing viscose rayon and cellophane films. Toxicity occurs primarily from inhalation or ingestion but also may occur transdermally. The pathogenetic mechanism is uncertain but may involve an essential metal-chelating effect of carbon disulfide metabolites, direct inhibition of certain enzymes, or the release of free radicals following cleavage of the carbon-sulfur bond. Most reported cases have been from Europe and Japan.

Acute inhalation of concentrations exceeding 300 to 400 ppm leads to an encephalopathy, with symptoms that vary from mild behavioral disturbances to drowsiness and, ultimately, to respiratory failure. Behavioral disturbances may include explosive behavior, mood swings, mania or depression, confusion, and other psychiatric disturbances. Long-term exposure to concentrations between 40 and 50 ppm may produce similar disturbances. Minor affective or cognitive disturbances may be revealed only by neuropsychological testing.

Long-term exposure to carbon disulfide may lead also to extrapyramidal (parkinsonian) or pyramidal deficits, impaired vision, absent pupillary and corneal reflexes, optic neuropathy, and a characteristic retinopathy. A small-vessel vasculopathy may be responsible (Huang, 2004). Neuroimaging may reveal cortical—especially frontal—atrophy, as well as lesions in the globus pallidus and putamen. A clinical or subclinical polyneuropathy develops after exposure to levels of 100 to 150 ppm for several months or to lesser levels for longer periods and is characterized histologically by focal axonal swellings and neurofilamentary accumulations.

No specific treatment exists other than the avoidance of further exposure. Recovery from the peripheral neuropathy generally follows the discontinuation of exposure, but some central deficits may persist.

Carbon Monoxide

Occupational exposure to carbon monoxide occurs mainly in miners, gas workers, and garage employees. Other modes of exposure include poorly ventilated home heating systems, stoves, and suicide attempts. The neurotoxic effects of carbon monoxide relate to intracellular hypoxia. Carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin with high affinity to form carboxyhemoglobin; it also limits the dissociation of oxyhemoglobin and binds to various enzymes. Acute toxicity leads to headache (Hampson and Hampson, 2002), disturbances of consciousness, and a variety of other behavioral changes. Motor abnormalities include the development of pyramidal and extrapyramidal deficits. Seizures may occur, and focal cortical deficits sometimes develop. Treatment involves prevention of further exposure to carbon monoxide and administration of pure or hyperbaric oxygen, although the evidence is conflicting regarding the utility of hyperbaric oxygen in this setting (Buckley et al., 2005). Seizures may complicate hyperbaric oxygen therapy (Sanders et al., 2009). Neurological deterioration may occur several weeks after partial or apparently full recovery from the acute effects of carbon monoxide exposure, with recurrence of motor and behavioral abnormalities. The degree of recovery from this delayed deterioration is variable; full or near-full recovery occurs in some instances, but other patients lapse into a persistent vegetative state or severe parkinsonism. Neuroimaging may show lesions in the globus pallidus and elsewhere.

Pathological examination shows hypoxic and ischemic damage in the cerebral cortex as well as in the hippocampus, cerebellar cortex, and basal ganglia. Lesions are also present diffusely in the cerebral white matter. The delayed deterioration has been related to a diffuse subcortical leukoencephalopathy, but its pathogenesis is uncertain.

Hexacarbon Solvents

The hexacarbon solvents, n-hexane and methyl n-butyl ketone, are both metabolized to 2,5-hexanedione, which targets proteins required for the maintenance of neuronal integrity (Spencer et al., 2002) and is responsible in large part for their neurotoxicity. This neurotoxicity is potentiated by methyl ethyl ketone, which is used in paints, lacquers, printer’s ink, and certain glues. n-Hexane is used as a solvent in paints, lacquers, and printing inks and is used especially in the rubber industry and in certain glues. Workers involved in the manufacturing of footwear, laminating processes, and cabinetry, especially in confined, unventilated spaces, may be exposed to excessive concentrations of these substances. Methyl n-butyl ketone is used in the manufacture of vinyl and acrylic coatings and adhesives and in the printing industry. Exposure to either of these chemicals by inhalation or skin contact leads to a progressive distal sensorimotor axonal polyneuropathy; partial conduction block may also occur (Pastore et al., 2002). Optic neuropathy or maculopathy and facial numbness also have followed n-hexane exposure. The neuropathy is related to a disturbance of axonal transport, and histopathological studies reveal giant multifocal axonal swelling and accumulation of axonal neurofilaments, with distal degeneration in peripheral and central axons. Myelin retraction and focal demyelination are found at the giant axonal swellings.

Acute inhalation exposure may produce feelings of euphoria associated with hallucinations, headache, unsteadiness, and mild narcosis. This has led to the inhalation of certain glues for recreational purposes, which causes pleasurable feelings of euphoria in the short term but may lead to a progressive, predominantly motor neuropathy and symptoms of dysautonomia after high-dose exposure and a more insidious sensorimotor polyneuropathy following chronic use.

Electrophysiological findings include increased distal motor latency and marked slowing of maximal motor conduction velocity, as well as small or absent sensory nerve action potentials and electromyographic (EMG) signs of denervation in affected muscles. The conduction slowing relates to demyelinating changes and is unusual in other toxic neuropathies. A reduction in the size of sensory nerve action potentials may occur in the absence of clinical or other electrophysiological evidence of nerve involvement. Central involvement may result in abnormalities of sensory evoked potentials. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is usually normal, but a mildly elevated protein concentration is sometimes found. Despite cessation of exposure, progression of the neurological deficit may continue for several weeks or rarely months (coasting) before the downhill course is arrested and recovery begins. Severe involvement is followed by incomplete recovery of the peripheral neuropathy. When the polyneuropathy does resolve, previously masked signs of central dysfunction, such as spasticity, may become evident.

Methyl Bromide

Methyl bromide has been used as a refrigerant, insecticide, fumigant, and fire extinguisher. Its high volatility may lead to work-area concentrations sufficient to cause neurotoxicity from inhalation. Following acute high-level exposure, an interval of several hours or more may elapse before the onset of symptoms. Because methyl bromide is odorless and colorless, subjects may not even be aware that exposure has occurred, so chloropicrin, a conjunctival and mucosal irritant, is commonly added to methyl bromide to warn of inhalation exposure. Acute methyl bromide intoxication leads to an encephalopathy with convulsions, delirium, hyperpyrexia, coma, pulmonary edema, and death. Acute exposure to lower concentrations may result in conspicuous mental changes including confusion, psychosis or affective disturbances, headache, nausea, dysarthria, tremulousness, myoclonus, ataxia, visual disturbances, and seizures.

Long-term low-level exposure may lead to a polyneuropathy in the absence of systemic symptoms. Distal paresthesias are followed by sensory and motor deficits, loss of tendon reflexes, and an ataxic gait. Visual disturbances, optic atrophy, and upper motor neuron deficits may occur also. Calf tenderness is sometimes conspicuous. The CSF is unremarkable. Electrodiagnostic study results reveal both sensory and motor involvement. Gradual improvement occurs with cessation of exposure.

Treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Hemodialysis may also be helpful in removing bromide from the blood (Yamano et al., 2001). Chelating agents are of uncertain utility.


Organophosphates are used mainly as pesticides and herbicides but are also used as petroleum additives, lubricants, antioxidants, flame retardants, and plastic modifiers. Most cases of organophosphate toxicity result from exposure in an agricultural setting, not only among those mixing or spraying the pesticide or herbicide but also among workers returning prematurely to sprayed fields. Absorption may occur through the skin, by inhalation, or through the gastrointestinal tract. Organophosphates inhibit acetylcholinesterase by phosphorylation, with resultant acute cholinergic symptoms, with both central and neuromuscular manifestations. Symptoms include nausea, salivation, lacrimation, headache, weakness, and bronchospasm in mild instances and bradycardia, tremor, chest pain, diarrhea, pulmonary edema, cyanosis, convulsions, and even coma in more severe cases. Death may result from respiratory or heart failure. Treatment involves intravenous (IV) administration of pralidoxime (1 g) together with atropine (1 mg) given subcutaneously every 30 minutes until sweating and salivation are controlled. Pralidoxime accelerates reactivation of the inhibited acetylcholinesterase, and atropine is effective in counteracting muscarinic effects, although it has no effect on the nicotinic effects, such as neuromuscular cholinergic blockade with weakness or respiratory depression. It is important to ensure adequate ventilatory support before atropine is given. The dose of pralidoxime can be repeated if no obvious benefit occurs, but in refractory cases it may need to be given by IV infusion, the dose being titrated against clinical response. Functional recovery may take approximately 1 week, although acetylcholinesterase levels take longer to reach normal levels. Measurement of paraoxonase status may be worthwhile as a biomarker of susceptibility to acute organophosphate toxicity; this liver and serum enzyme hydrolyzes a number of organophosphate compounds and may have a role in modulating their toxicity (Costa et al., 2005).

Carbamate insecticides also inhibit cholinesterases but have a shorter duration of action than organophosphate compounds. The symptoms of toxicity are similar to those described for organophosphates but are generally milder. Treatment with atropine is usually sufficient.

Certain organophosphates cause a delayed polyneuropathy that occurs approximately 2 to 3 weeks after acute exposure even in the absence of cholinergic toxicity. In the past, contamination of illicit alcohol with triorthocresyl phosphate (“Jake”) led to large numbers of such cases. There is no evidence that peripheral nerve dysfunction follows prolonged low-level exposure to organophosphates (Lotti, 2002). Paresthesias in the feet and cramps in the calf muscles are followed by progressive weakness that typically begins distally in the limbs and then spreads to involve more proximal muscles. The maximal deficit usually develops within 2 weeks. Quadriplegia occurs in severe cases. Although sensory complaints are typically inconspicuous, clinical examination shows sensory deficits. The Achilles reflex is typically lost, and other tendon reflexes may be depressed also; however, in some instances, evidence of central involvement is manifested by brisk tendon reflexes. Cranial nerve function is typically spared. With time, there may be improvement in the peripheral neuropathy, but upper motor neuron involvement then becomes unmasked and often determines the prognosis for functional recovery. There is no specific treatment to arrest progression or hasten recovery. Electrodiagnostic studies reveal an axonopathy with partial denervation of affected muscles and small compound muscle action potentials but normal or only minimally reduced maximal motor conduction velocity.

The delayed syndrome follows exposure only to certain organophosphates such as triorthocresyl phosphate, leptophos, trichlorfon, and mipafox. The neurological disturbance relates in some way to phosphorylation and inhibition of the enzyme, neuropathy target esterase (NTE), which is present in essentially all neurons and has an uncertain role in the nervous system (Lotti and Moretto, 2005). In addition, “aging” of the inhibited NTE (loss of a group attached to the phosphorus, leaving a negatively charged phosphoryl group attached to the protein) must occur for the neuropathy to develop. The precise cause of the neuropathy is uncertain, however. No specific treatment exists to prevent occurrence of the neuropathy following exposure, but measurement of lymphocyte NTE has been used to monitor occupational exposure and predict the occurrence of neuropathy. Moreover, the ability of any particular organophosphate to inhibit NTE in hens may predict its neurotoxicity in humans.

Three other syndromes related to organophosphate exposure require brief comment. The intermediate syndrome occurs in the interval between the acute cholinergic crisis and the development of delayed neuropathy, typically becoming manifest within 4 days of exposure and resolving in 2 to 3 weeks (Guadarrama-Naveda et al., 2001). It reflects excessive cholinergic stimulation of nicotinic receptors and is characterized clinically by respiratory and bulbar symptoms as well as proximal limb weakness. Symptoms relate to the severity of poisoning and to prolonged inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity but not to the development of delayed neuropathy. The syndrome of dipper’s flu refers to the development of transient symptoms such as headache, rhinitis, pharyngitis, myalgia, and other flulike symptoms in farmers exposed to organophosphate sheep dips. Vague sensory complaints (but no objective abnormalities on sensory threshold tests) may also occur (Pilkington et al., 2001). Whether these complaints relate to mild organophosphate toxicity is uncertain. Similarly uncertain is whether chronic effects (persisting behavioral and neurological dysfunction) may follow acute exposure to organophosphates. The occurrence of chronic symptoms in the absence of any episode of acute toxicity is unlikely. Evaluation of reports is hampered by incomplete documentation and the variety of agents to which exposure has often occurred. Carefully controlled studies may clarify this issue in the future.


Pyrethroids are synthetic insecticides that affect voltage-sensitive sodium channels. Type II (α-cyano) pyrethroids, which have enhanced insecticidal activity, also affect voltage-dependent chloride channels and, at high concentrations, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-gated chloride channels (Bradberry et al., 2005). Occupational or residential exposure is increasing, is mainly through the skin but may also occur through inhalation, and has led to paresthesias that have been attributed to repetitive activity in sensory fibers as a result of abnormal prolongation of the sodium current during membrane excitation. The paresthesias affect the face most commonly and are exacerbated by sensory stimulation such as scratching; they typically resolve within a day. Treatment is purely supportive. Coma and convulsions may result if substantial amounts of pyrethroids are ingested (Proudfoot, 2005).

In laboratory animals, two syndromes relating to neurotoxicity have been described, but these are poorly defined in humans. The first syndrome (type I) is characterized by reflex hyperexcitability and fine tremor, whereas the second (type II) consists of choreoathetosis, salivation, and seizures.


Toluene is used in a variety of occupational settings. It is a solvent for paints and glues and is used to synthesize benzene, nitrotoluene, and other compounds. Exposure, usually by inhalation or transdermally, occurs among workers laying linoleum, spraying paint, and working in the printing industry, particularly in poorly ventilated locations. Chronic high exposure may lead to cognitive disturbances and to central neurological deficits with upper motor neuron, cerebellar, brainstem, and cranial nerve signs and tremor (Filley et al., 2004). An optic neuropathy may occur, as may ocular dysmetria and opsoclonus. Disturbances of memory and attention characterize the cognitive abnormalities, and subjects may exhibit a flattened affect. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows cerebral atrophy and diffuse abnormalities of the cerebral white matter; symmetrical lesions may be present in the basal ganglia and thalamus and the cingulate gyri. Thalamotomy may ameliorate the tremor if it is severe. Lower levels of exposure lead to minor neurobehavioral disturbances.

Occupational Exposure to Metals


Arsenic poisoning can result from ingestion of the trivalent arsenite in murder or suicide attempts. Large numbers of persons in areas of India, Pakistan, and certain other countries are chronically poisoned from naturally occurring arsenic in ground water (Vahidnia et al., 2007). Traditional Chinese medicinal herbal preparations may contain arsenic sulfide and mercury and are a source of chronic poisoning. Uncommon sources of accidental exposure include burning preservative-impregnated wood and storing food in antique copper kettles. Exposure to inorganic arsenic occurs in workers involved in smelting copper and lead ores.

With acute or subacute exposure, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, hypotension, tachycardia, and vasomotor collapse occur and may lead to death. Obtundation is common, and an acute confusional state may develop. Arsenic neuropathy takes the form of a distal axonopathy, although a demyelinating neuropathy is found soon after acute exposure. The neuropathy usually develops within 2 to 3 weeks of acute or subacute exposure, although the latent period may be as long as 1 to 2 months. Symptoms may worsen over a few weeks despite lack of further exposure, but they eventually stabilize. With low-dose chronic exposure, the latent period is more difficult to determine. In either circumstance, systemic symptoms are also conspicuous. With chronic exposure, similar but less severe gastrointestinal disturbances develop, as may skin changes such as melanosis, keratoses, and malignancies. Mees lines are white transverse striations of the nails (striate leukonychiae) that appear 3 to 6 weeks after exposure (Fig. 58.1). As a nonspecific manifestation of nail matrix injury, Mees lines can be seen in a number of other conditions including thallium poisoning, chemotherapy, and a variety of systemic disorders.

The neuropathy involves both large- and small-diameter fibers. Initial symptoms are typically of distal painful dysesthesias and are followed by distal weakness. Proprioceptive loss may be severe, leading to marked ataxia. The severity of weakness depends on the extent of exposure. The respiratory muscles are sometimes affected, and the disorder may simulate Guillain-Barré syndrome both clinically and electrophysiologically. Electrodiagnostic studies may initially suggest a demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, but the changes of an axonal neuropathy subsequently develop. Arsenic levels in hair, nail clippings, or urine may be increased, especially in cases of chronic exposure.

Detection of arsenic in urine is diagnostically useful within 6 weeks of a single large-dose exposure or during ongoing low-level exposure. Total inorganic arsenic urinary excretion should be measured over 24 hours. Methods are available in reference laboratories to distinguish between inorganic (toxic) and organic (seafood-derived) arsenic compounds. Arsenic bound to keratin can be detected in hair or nails months to years after exposure. Pubic hair is preferable to scalp hair for examination because it is less liable to environmental contamination. Levels exceeding 10 µg/g of tissue are abnormal. Other abnormal laboratory features include aplastic anemia with pancytopenia and moderate CSF protein elevation. Nerve conduction studies in chronic arsenic neuropathy reflect the changes of distal axonopathy with low-amplitude or unelicitable sensory and motor evoked responses and preserved conduction velocities. EMG typically shows denervation in distal extremity muscles. In the subacute stages, however, some electrophysiological features such as partial motor conduction block, absent F responses, and slowing of motor conduction velocities are suggestive of demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. Progressive slowing of motor conduction velocities sufficient to invoke consideration of segmental demyelination has been reported in the first 3 months after massive exposure. Biopsies of peripheral nerves show axonal degeneration in chronic cases. Arsenite compounds react with protein sulfhydryl groups, interfere with formation of coenzyme A and several steps in glycolysis, and are potent uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation. These biochemical reactions are responsible for the impaired neuronal energy metabolism, which in turn results in distal axonal degeneration.

Chelation therapy with either water-soluble derivatives of dimercaprol (DMSA or DMPS) or penicillamine is effective in controlling the systemic effects of acute arsenic poisoning and may prevent the development of neuropathy if it is started within hours of ingestion. There is little evidence that chelation in the later stages of arsenic neuropathy promotes clinical recovery. The neuropathy itself often improves gradually over the course of many months, but depending on the severity of the deficit when exposure is discontinued, a substantial residual neurological deficit is common.


Occupational exposure to lead occurs in workers in smelting factories and metal foundries and those involved in demolition, ship breaking, manufacturing of batteries or paint pigments, and construction or repair of storage tanks. Occupational exposure also occurs in the manufacture of ammunition, bearings, pipes, solder, and cables. Nonindustrial sources of lead poisoning are home-distilled whiskey, Asian folk remedies, earthenware pottery, indoor firing ranges, and retained bullets. Lead has been used to artificially increase the weight of illicit marijuana and has then been inhaled with it (Busse et al., 2008). Artifical turf may also pose an exposure threat to unhealthy levels of lead: the lead is released in dust that may be ingested or inhaled, but whether in sufficient amount to cause neurotoxicity is unclear. Lead neuropathy reached epidemic proportions at the end of the 19th century because of uncontrolled occupational exposure but now is rare because of strict industrial regulations. Exposure also may result from ingestion of old lead-containing paint in children with pica and consumption of illicit spirits by adults. Absorption is commonly by ingestion or inhalation but occasionally occurs through the skin.

The toxic effects of inorganic lead salts on the nervous system commonly differ with age, producing acute encephalopathy in children and polyneuropathy in adults. Children typically develop an acute gastrointestinal illness followed by behavioral changes, confusion, drowsiness, reduced alertness, focal or generalized seizures, and (in severe cases) coma with intracranial hypertension. At autopsy, the brain is swollen, with vascular congestion, perivascular exudates, edema of the white matter, and scattered areas of neuronal loss and gliosis. In adults, an encephalopathy is less common, but behavioral and cognitive changes are sometimes noted. In adults, lead produces a predominantly motor neuropathy, sometimes accompanied by gastrointestinal disturbances and a microcytic, hypochromic anemia. The neuropathy is manifest primarily by a bilateral wrist drop sometimes accompanied by bilateral footdrop or by more generalized weakness that may be associated with distal atrophy and fasciculations. Sensory complaints are usually minor and overshadowed by the motor deficit when the neuropathy develops subacutely following relatively brief exposure to high lead concentrations, but they are more conspicuous when the neuropathy develops after many years of exposure (Thomson and Parry, 2006). The tendon reflexes may be diminished or absent. Older reports describe a painless motor neuropathy with few or no sensory abnormalities and distinct patterns of weakness affecting wrist extensors, finger extensors, and intrinsic hand muscles. Preserved reflexes, fasciculations, and profound muscle atrophy may simulate amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. A rare sign of lead exposure is a blue line at the gingival margin in patients with poor oral hygiene. Hypochromic microcytic anemia with basophilic stippling of the red cells, hyperuricemia, and azotemia should stimulate a search for lead exposure. Prognosis for recovery from the neuropathy is good when the neuropathy is predominantly motor and evolves subacutely, but it is less favorable when the neuropathy is motor-sensory in type and more chronic in nature (Thomson and Parry, 2006).

Lead intoxication is confirmed by elevated blood and urine lead levels. Blood levels exceeding 70 µg/100 mL are considered harmful, but even levels greater than 40 µg/100 mL have been correlated with minor nerve conduction abnormalities. Subjects should be removed from further occupational exposure if a single blood lead concentration exceeds 30 µg/100 mL or if two successive blood lead concentrations measured over a 4-week interval equal or exceed 20 µg/100 mL (Kosnett et al., 2007). Lead inhibits erythrocyte δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase and other enzymatic steps in the biosynthetic pathway of porphyrins. Consequently, increased red cell protoporphyrin levels emerge together with increased urinary excretion of δ-aminolevulinic acid and coproporphyrin. Excess body lead burden, confirming past exposure, can be documented by increased urinary lead excretion after a provocative chelation challenge with calcium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Only a few electrophysiological studies have been reported in patients with overt lead neuropathy. These investigations indicate a distal axonopathy affecting both motor and sensory fibers. These observations corroborate changes of axonal degeneration seen in human nerve biopsies. Contrary to the findings in humans, lead produces segmental demyelination in animals. Lead is known to cause early mitochondrial changes in cell culture systems, but the biochemical mechanisms leading to neurotoxicity remain unknown.

Lead encephalopathy is managed supportively, but corticosteroids are given to treat cerebral edema. Chelating agents (dimercaprol or 2,3-dimercaptopropane sulfonate) are also prescribed for patients with symptoms of lead toxicity (Kosnett et al., 2007). No specific treatment exists for lead neuropathy other than prevention of further exposure to lead. Chelation therapy does not hasten recovery.


Manganese miners may develop neurotoxicity following inhalation for prolonged periods (months or years) of dust containing manganese. Headache, behavioral changes, and cognitive disturbances (“manganese madness”) are followed by the development of motor symptoms such as dystonia, parkinsonism, retropulsion, and a characteristic gait called cock-walk manifested by walking on the toes with elbows flexed and the spine erect. There is usually no tremor, and the motor deficits rarely improve with l-dopa therapy. MRI may show changes in the globus pallidus, and this may be helpful in distinguishing manganese-induced parkinsonism from classic Parkinson disease (PD). Manganese intoxication has been reported in miners, smelters, welders, and workers involved in the manufacture of dry batteries, after chronic accidental ingestion of potassium permanganate, and from incorrect concentration of manganese in parenteral nutrition. Welders with PD were found to have their onset of PD an average of 17 years earlier than a control population of PD patients, suggesting that welding, possibly by causing manganese toxicity, is a risk factor for PD (Racette et al., 2001). However, a recent nationwide record linkage study from Sweden did not support a relationship between welding and PD or any other movement disorder (Fored et al., 2006). The controversy regarding the relationship between welding and PD has been reviewed by Jankovic (2005). In addition to welding and manganese mining, manganese toxicity may occur with chronic liver disease and long-term parenteral nutrition. Manganese intoxication may be associated with abnormal MRI (abnormal signal hyperintensity in the globus pallidus and substantia nigra on T1-weighted images). In contrast to PD, fluorodopa positron emission tomography (PET) studies are usually normal in patients with manganese-induced parkinsonism, and raclopride (D2 receptor) binding is only slightly reduced in the caudate and normal in the putamen. Neuronal loss occurs in the globus pallidus and substantia nigra pars reticularis, as well as in the subthalamic nucleus and striatum. There is little response to l-dopa of the extrapyramidal syndrome, which may progress over several years. Myoclonic jerking may occur, sometimes without extrapyramidal accompaniments (Ono et al., 2002).

Chelation therapy is of uncertain benefit in patients with manganese toxicity, although claims of improvement in parkinsonism among small series of manganese-exposed subjects have been made (Herrero Hernandez et al., 2006).


The toxic effects of elemental mercury (mercury vapor), inorganic salts, and short-chain alkyl-mercury compounds predominantly involve the central nervous system (CNS) and dorsal root ganglion sensory neurons. Inorganic mercury toxicity may result from inhalation during industrial exposure, as in thermometer and battery factories, mercury processing plants, and electronic applications factories. In the past, exposure occurred particularly in the hat-making industry. No evidence exists that the mercury contained in dental amalgam imposes any significant health hazard. Differences in health and cognitive function between dentists and control subjects cannot be attributed directly to mercury (Ritchie et al., 2002). Clinical consequences of exposure include cutaneous erythema, hyperhidrosis, anemia, proteinuria, glycosuria, personality changes, intention tremor (“hatter’s shakes”), and muscle weakness. The personality changes (“mad as a hatter”) consist of irritability, euphoria, anxiety, emotional lability, insomnia, and disturbances of attention with drowsiness, confusion, and ultimately stupor. A variety of other central neurological deficits may occur but are more conspicuous in patients with organic mercury poisoning.

The effects of methyl mercury (organic mercury) poisoning have come to be widely recognized since the outbreak that occurred in Minamata Bay (Japan) in the 1950s when industrial waste discharged into the bay led to contamination of fish that were then consumed by humans. Outbreaks have also occurred following the use of methyl mercury as a fungicide, because intoxication occurs if treated seed intended for planting is eaten instead. Methyl and ethyl mercury compounds have been used as fungicides in agriculture and in the paper industry. Methyl mercury and elemental mercury are potent neurotoxins that cause neuronal degeneration in the cerebellar granular layer, calcarine cortex, and dorsal root ganglion neurons. The primary molecular target of methyl mercury is probably sulfhydryl ligands in enzyme complexes or critical membrane sites.

The characteristic features of chronic methyl mercury poisoning are sensory disturbances, constriction of visual fields, progressive ataxia, tremor, and cognitive impairment. Electrophysiological studies have shown that these symptoms relate to central dysfunction. Sensory disturbances result from dysfunction of sensory cortex or dorsal root ganglia rather than peripheral nerves, and the visual complaints also relate to cortical involvement. Pathological studies reveal neuronal loss in the cerebral cortex, including the parietal and occipital regions, as well as in the cerebellum. A few cases presenting with peripheral neuropathy or a predominantly motor neuronopathy resembling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis have been described in association with intense exposure to elemental mercury vapors.

The diagnosis of elemental or inorganic mercury intoxication usually can be confirmed by assaying mercury in urine. Monitoring blood levels is recommended for suspected organic mercury poisoning.

Chelating agents increase urinary excretion of mercury, but insufficient evidence exists to substantiate the claim that chelation increases the rate or extent of recovery.


Thallium salts cause severe neuropathy and CNS degeneration that has led to their discontinued use as rodenticides and depilatories. Most intoxications result from accidental ingestion, attempted suicide, or homicide. After consumption of massive doses, vomiting, diarrhea, or both occur within hours. Neuropathic symptoms, heralded by limb pain and severe distal paresthesia, are followed by progressive limb weakness within 7 days. Cranial nerves, including optic nerves, may be involved. Ptosis is common. In severe cases, ataxia, chorea, confusion, and coma as well as ventilatory and cardiac failure may ensue. Alopecia, which appears 2 to 4 weeks after exposure, provides only retrospective evidence of acute intoxication. A chronic progressive, mainly sensory neuropathy develops in patients with chronic low-level exposure. In this form, hair loss is a helpful clue.

Electrocardiographic findings of sinus tachycardia, U waves, and T-wave changes of the type seen in potassium depletion are related to the interaction of thallium and potassium ions. Electrophysiological findings are characteristic of distal axonal degeneration. Autopsy study results confirm a distal axonopathy of peripheral and cranial nerves. Studies in animals show accumulation of swollen mitochondria in distal axons before wallerian degeneration of nerve fibers. The diagnosis is confirmed by the demonstration of thallium in urine or bodily tissues. High levels are found in CNS gray matter and myocardium. The toxic effects of thallium may be related to binding of sulfhydryl groups or displacement of potassium ions from biological membrane systems.

With acute ingestion, gastric lavage and cathartics are given to remove unabsorbed thallium from the gastrointestinal tract. Oral potassium ferric ferrocyanide (Prussian blue), which blocks intestinal absorption, together with IV potassium chloride, forced diuresis, and hemodialysis have been used successfully in acute thallium intoxication.

Effects of Ionizing Radiation

Electromagnetic and particulate radiation may lead to cell damage and death. Radiation therapy affects the nervous system by causing damage to cells (particularly their nuclei) in the exposed regions; these cells include neurons, glia, and the blood vessels supplying neural structures. As a late carcinogenic effect, radiation therapy may also produce tumors, particularly sarcomas, that lead to neurological deficits. Neurological injury is proportional to both the total dose and the daily fraction of radiation received. The combination of radiation therapy with chemotherapy may increase the risk of radiation damage. Preclinical studies are investigating whether certain growth factors or metalloporphyrin antioxidants can prevent damage or hasten recovery of neural structures from radiation injury (Pearlstein et al., 2010). Neurological deficits may also arise as a secondary consequence of radiation (e.g., from vertebral osteoradionecrosis), leading to pain or compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots.


Radiation encephalopathy is best considered according to its time of onset after exposure (Grimm and DeAngelis, 2008).

Acute radiation encephalopathy occurs within a few days of exposure and is characterized by headache, nausea, and a change in mental status. It may be related to increased intracranial pressure from breakdown of the blood-brain barrier due to the immediate effects of the energy dispersal in the nervous tissue. It typically occurs after exposure of a large brain volume to more than 3 Gy. Treatment with high-dose corticosteroids usually provides relief.

Early delayed radiation encephalopathy is probably caused by demyelination and occurs between 2 weeks and 4 months after irradiation. Headache and drowsiness are features, as is an enhancement of previous focal neurological deficits. Symptoms resolve after several weeks without specific treatment. A brainstem encephalopathy that manifests as ataxia, nystagmus, diplopia, and dysarthria also may develop if the brainstem was included in the irradiated field. Spontaneous recovery over a few weeks is usual, but the disorder sometimes progresses to obtundation, coma, or death.

Delayed radiation encephalopathy occurs several months or longer after cranial irradiation, particularly when doses exceed 35 Gy. It may be characterized by diffuse cerebral injury (atrophy) or focal neurological deficits. Slowness of executive function may occur, and there may be marked alterations of frontal functions such as in attention, judgment, and insight (Moretti et al., 2005). The disorder may result from focal cerebral necrosis caused by direct radiation damage or vascular changes. Immunological mechanisms also may be involved. Occasionally patients develop a progressive disabling disorder with cognitive and affective disturbances and a disorder of gait approximately 6 to 18 months after whole-brain irradiation. Such a disturbance may occur more commonly in elderly patients after irradiation. Pathological examination in some instances has shown demyelinating lesions.

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Jun 19, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Effects of Toxins and Physical Agents on the Nervous System

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