Prion Diseases

Prion Diseases

Lawrence S. Honig


Prion diseases are a less common group of neurodegenerative disorders. There are several disorders distinguished by clinical presentation and pathoetiologic basis but marked by spongiform neurodegeneration and an unusual protein-based molecular pathogenesis. The particular agents responsible for the diseases are not nucleic acids, viruses, or living organisms but rather “proteinaceous infectious particles” or prion molecules, a concept developed and established through the groundbreaking research of Stanley Prusiner, who was awarded a Nobel Prize for this work. The prion protein is a specific, relatively small translational product of just over 200 amino acids length. This neuronal protein (prion protein [PrP]) is present in cells in its usual, “normal” cellular conformation (known as PrPC) with a protein secondary structure consisting of about 45% alpha helical segments and very little beta sheet internal structure. However, in prion diseases, there is an abnormal “scrapies” or protease-resistant conformation (known as PrPSc or PrPres), which is marked by 40%, beta-pleated sheet molecular architecture and has only about 30% alpha helical structure. In the prion diseases, there is an accumulation of the abnormally folded PrPres protein causing nervous system dysfunction and destruction, through protein-protein interactions presumably within cells but ultimately spreading between cells. Specifically, misfolded copies of the protein cause conformation changes in normal PrPC, converting it, in turn, to the abnormal form. There is an exponential increase in brain accumulation of abnormal prion protein, leading to rapidly escalating progressive nervous system destruction.

Prion diseases have a plural epidemiology: They may occur in both sporadic, nongenetic forms and genetic, familial forms, like many neurodegenerative disorders, but they may also occur as “acquired diseases,” through transmission by iatrogenic, surgical, or cannibalistic exposures of persons to nervous system tissue of affected individuals. Hence, they are also known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. The archetypical and most common of these uncommon disorders is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), named after two neurologists who described some cases of rapidly progressive dementia in the early part of the 20th century (which may not necessarily all have represented prion disorders). Although prion disease is sometimes easily recognizable, the differential diagnosis is often broad, particularly early in the course of the disease. The rapidity of symptom progression, together with the fact that different alternative diagnoses may have specific effective treatments, makes expeditious recognition and diagnosis particular important for this set of disorders.

TABLE 68.1 Prion Disease Classification


Name of Disorder or Syndrome




Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

Sporadic fatal insomnia

Variable protease-sensitive prionopathy




Includes Heidenhain and Brownell-Oppenheimer variants


Familial CJD

Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome

Fatal familial insomnia




Missense, octapeptide repeat mutations


Variant CJD


Iatrogenic CJD




Human growth hormone, dural and corneal transplants, reused depth electrodes


Prion diseases can be classified by their clinical-epidemiologic bases. Prion diseases may occur as sporadic genetic or acquired forms (Table 68.1). The hallmark of sporadic CJD (sCJD) is generally a rapidly progressive dementia, typically with gait dysfunction, although there are other rarer clinical phenotypes such as sporadic fatal insomnia (sFI). There are three distinct clinical forms of genetic prion diseases: Familial CJD (fCJD) clinical presentation is like that of sCJD; Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker (GSS) disease is typically marked more by ataxia; and familial fatal insomnia is marked by severe insomnia and autonomic changes. Acquired CJD, transmitted through exposure to prions, was first described in the disease Kuru, discovered in New Guinea during the mid-20th century. Transmitted by ritual cannibalism, this disease has fortunately since vanished. Other forms of acquired disease include iatrogenic CJD (iCJD) transmitted through medical products, grafts, or transplants and variant CJD transmitted via consumption of tissues of cows who had bovine prion disease.

CJD occurs across all human populations, with an incidence of about 1.5 cases per million individuals per year, or about 400 persons per year in the United States. It is an uncommon
dementia. Compared to the approximately 1.5 per thousand individuals per year (500,000 in the United States) who develop Alzheimer disease, CJD is a condition with a thousandfold less common incidence. However, because the survival after a diagnosis of CJD is typically less than 1 year, whereas that for Alzheimer disease may be 20 years, the prevalence of CJD among living persons is still rarer. Among the 6 million Americans with dementia, the large majority of whom have Alzheimer disease, only about a few hundred have CJD, or about 1 in 20,000. Conversely, because of the short survival time for CJD, a higher proportion, nearly 1 in 1,000 deaths of persons with dementia each year are due to CJD. As a proportion of the total number of deaths in the nation, CJD represents about 1 in 10,000 deaths, despite having an incidence of only about 1.5 in a million. There has been increased attention and interest in the prion disorders, but there is no evidence that sCJD has had increased incidence over the decades. There has been a mildly increasing secular trend in the annual death rate in the United States over the past 30 years from about 0.9 cases per million to about 1.5 cases per million population, but this is almost certainly due to increased ascertainment rather than increased disease incidence.


sCJD represents approximately 85% to 90% of prion disease. This disorder occurs without any known risk factor other than age. sCJD is very uncommon before the fourth decade of life and is principally found in the age range of 50 to 80 years. However, it is likely that the disease is clinically overlooked in the extreme elderly, so although it is clear that the age-specific incidence increases in the middle years, from age 30 to 60 years, it is not certain that the age-specific incidence declines among the older old (e.g., older than age 80 years). CJD incidence and prevalence are equal regarding gender, affecting males and females equally. U.S. statistics do show a somewhat higher rate of CJD in whites than African-Americans, but this may be due to disparities in dementia care and diagnosis. Because there are no known environmental risk factors, it is not known why individuals develop sCJD, but presumably the disease represents the consequence of a stochastic accident in which there was age-dependent initial abnormal folding of prion protein, leading to inexorable disease. There is a single nucleotide polymorphism at the prion protein codon 129, with alleles coding for either methionine (M) or valine (V), which does affect risk. CJD is more common among codon 129 homozygotes (MM or VV) than heterozygotes (MV). In the North American and European populations, only about 50% of the individuals are homozygotes at codon 129, whereas over 80% of sCJD cases are homozygous at codon 129. Thus, there is some protection for persons from being heterozygous at the codon 129 polymorphism.


Whether presenting as dementia (fCJD) or ataxia (GSS), genetically transmitted prion disease represents only about 10% to 15% of prion disease cases. In genetic or familial prion disease, there is a mutation in the prion protein gene (PRNP) which causes with very high likelihood the eventual production of misfolded prion proteins leading to the progressive spongiform disease. There are about 30 such mutations, nearly all missense mutations and there is one portion of the gene which has an octapeptide repeat of variable length. Penetrance of the prion mutations is usually complete. The clinical expression of fCJD is less affected by codon 129 homozygosity, but for certain mutations, the clinical phenotype may depend on the cis-genotype at codon 129. Overall, the phenotype of fCJD is similar to sCJD, but onset is often at an earlier age (e.g., 30 to 50 years) and the disease course for some mutations may be more protracted in duration—up to more than 20 years.


iCJD in which CJD is acquired through transmission of infective prions via medical substances or procedures is very uncommon, currently representing less than 1% of prion disease in the United States. Rare events of transmission of CJD by exposure to contaminated neurosurgical instruments, electroencephalography (EEG) depth electrodes, or corneal transplants have been described. The vast majority of iCJD occurred as a consequence of administration of human-derived pituitary growth hormones, before modern recombinant DNA-based pharmaceutical production, and from the neurosurgical use of human dural grafts. Since the understanding of these risks, iCJD has nearly vanished. Human-to-human transmissibility of prion disease was first evident in the disease kuru, a predominantly ataxic disorder in certain tribal regions of New Guinea. This disorder arose in the 1950s, reaching a prevalence in certain tribes as high as 2% but has now been eliminated, with the recognition that this disorder was due to exposure of individuals to brain tissue prepared because of ritual cannibalistic practices, since discontinued. There is no demonstrated risk of CJD transmission from saliva, tears, urine, or feces. Blood has not shown any transmissibility for sCJD, although there is evidence that variant CJD can be transmitted through blood transfusions. Studies have not shown any increased risk of CJD to medical personnel.


Variant CJD disorder typically affects younger persons. It first appeared in the United Kingdom in the 1990s and was rapidly linked to the immediately prior epidemic in the same nation of prion disease in cows, known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). It is clear that exposure of people to abnormal cow prions, almost certainly through the human gastrointestinal tract, caused a tiny proportion of individuals so exposed to develop a lethal prion disease, originally known as new variant CJD, now known as variant CJD (vCJD). Initially, there were enormous fears that this disease might spread widely. However, over the past 20 years, this epidemic of disease has been small, amounting to a world total of less than 300 cases, including about 200 in the United Kingdom, and scattered cases elsewhere in the world. There has not been one “endogenous” case in the United States, that is, in persons who have not also lived in affected regions such as the United Kingdom. The incidence of vCJD in the United Kingdom rose to as high as 20 to 30 persons per year but is now less than 1 person per year. The epidemiology of this disorder was different from sCJD, in that the disease affected younger persons, almost all between the ages of 10 and 50 years and only affected persons homozygous at prion codon 129, with apparent complete protection by heterozygosity (MV genotype) at codon 129.


Scrapie, a disease of sheep and goats, has likely been known since biblical times. Cows can develop BSE. Other ungulate mammals also have prion disease, including deer, elk, and moose, which develop the cervid disorder, chronic wasting disease (CWD). Experimentally, or through consumption of prion disease-affected animal tissues, prion disease can be seen in a numerous species. These diseases include transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME), feline spongiform encephalopathy (FSE), and exotic ungulate spongiform encephalopathy (EUE) in nyala, oryx, and greater kudu.


Prion protein is a normal cellular protein, which is most expressed in the nervous system, and localizes to the synaptic regions, although its function is unknown. Prion protein belongs to the larger family of genes known as cluster of differentiation (CD) genes, many of whose members are found in cells of the immune lineage and whose functions may include cell-cell interactions and signaling. Presence of prion protein in various other bodily tissues likely relates to expression in cells of lymphatic lineage. The relative paucity of prion protein in non-neural tissues likely explains the confinement of prion disease symptoms to the nervous system. It also explains the lack of any demonstrable transmission from person to person, other than through exposure to nervous system tissues (which have included brain, pituitary, dura, and cornea). It is likely that in individuals developing sCJD, chance explains a rare spontaneous conversion of PrPC to PrPres. However, once PrPres is formed, there is an escalating production of more PrPres through the process of protein-protein induced conformational change mentioned earlier. This process can be shown to occur in vitro, in culture, and in animal models.

A number of observations have established the protein-based nature of the disease process. Injection of PrPres into experimental animals in their brains or even elsewhere (in sufficient quantities) results in prion degenerative brain disease. The transmissible agents are not destroyed by nuclease enzymes that inactivate DNA or RNA nor by ultraviolet or X-irradiation and because of its folded state, is resistant to proteases. However, prions are inactivated by destructive/denaturing agents such as concentrated formic acid, phenol, bleach, or sodium hydroxide (lye) as well as by extreme dry heat (600°C). Although injected PrPres causes prion degeneration and death in normal mice, mice that are genetic knockouts for the prion gene do not have prion degeneration, regardless of the amount of PrPres they are administered, because they have no PrPC which can be converted.

Prion proteins are highly conserved, but interspecies differences do provide a barrier to transmissibility. Exposure to or consumption tissues from sheep with prion disease (scrapies) has never been associated with human prion disease. In addition, in experimental animal systems, it can be shown that there is a greater barrier to transmission if the prion agent is from a molecularly more distant species. However, it is clear that bovine prion protein is sufficiently similar to human prions, as to allow transmission of BSE to humans. The small but prolonged epidemic of vCJD resulted from a preceding epidemic of BSE in cattle. Evidence to date indicates that in some persons, consumption of bovine material, likely containing nervous system tissue, led to vCJD, through a process of transluminal gastrointestinal lymphatic-mediated transmission to the nervous system. In vCJD, but not sCJD or fCJD, abnormal prion protein can be shown to be present in lymphoid-containing extraneural tissues, including blood, tonsils, and appendix.



The classic clinical manifestations of CJD are the triad of rapidly progressive dementia, myoclonus, and ataxia. At earliest presentation, only one or none of these symptoms may be present. However, in any patient with rapid appearance of one of these symptoms, without other obvious explanation, particularly in the age range of 40 to 80 years, the possibility of prion disease should be considered. The most important clinical manifestation is unexplained rapid but incremental (noncatastrophic) progressive cognitive or motoric impairment over a period of weeks to months. However, the earliest symptoms may be very vague, constitutional (fatigue, insomnia, anorexia), or neuropsychiatric (apathy, depression, anxiety, personality change, or emotional lability).

Jul 27, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Prion Diseases

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