Stiff Person Syndrome and Peripheral Nerve and Muscle Hyperexcitability

Stiff Person Syndrome and Peripheral Nerve and Muscle Hyperexcitability

Jonathan Perk

Christina M. Ulane

Lewis P. Rowland


The terms muscle stiffness and cramps are used for commonly experienced symptoms that are often transient and benign. Rarely, they may be harbingers of more serious pathology. Persistent limb muscle stiffness arises from involuntary continuous muscle contraction, whereas cramps and spasms are brief contractions. Lesions throughout the motor system have been implicated in generating muscle stiffness or spasm. Excessive muscular activation may result from dysfunction of inhibitory systems in central nervous system (CNS) pathology or inappropriate activation or hyperexcitability in peripheral nervous system (PNS) pathology. Table 94.1 outlines features of various causes of muscle cramps and stiffness.


In 1956, Moersch and Woltman, senior neurologists at the Mayo Clinic, described patients with a rare clinical syndrome of progressive fluctuating muscular rigidity and painful spasms. This condition is currently known by the gender neutral name stiff person syndrome (SPS). A focal variant of the disorder has been called the stiff limb syndrome.

TABLE 94.1 Disorders Causing Muscle Stiffness and Hyperexcitability

Localization of Abnormality


Principal Manifestations


Brain, brain stem, and spinal cord

Stiff person syndrome (SPS)

Rigidity and reflex spasms

Anti-GAD65 antibodies

Diazepam, IVIG, treatment of underlying cancer if paraneoplastic

Progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus (PERM)

Rigidity and reflex spasms, focal neurologic deficits

Anti-GlyRα1 antibodies

Similar to SPS


Rigidity and reflex spasms

Diazepam, supportive care

Peripheral nerve

Acquired neuromyotonia (Isaac syndrome)

Stiffness, myokymia, delayed relaxation

Anti-VGKC antibodies

Immunotherapy, phenytoin, carbamazepine, mexiletine, treatment of underlying cancer if paraneoplastic

Schwartz-Jampel syndrome

Stiffness and myotonia

Phenytoin, carbamazepine


Carpopedal spasm

Correction of calcium, magnesium, or acid-base derangement


Myotonic disorders

Delayed relaxation, percussion myotonia

Mexiletine, phenytoin, carbamazepine (see Chapter 142)

Metabolic myopathies

Cramps during intense or ischemic exercise

See Chapter 95 and Section 19.

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

Rigidity during dopamine block

Supportive care, bromocriptine, dantrolene

Malignant hyperthermia

Rigidity during anesthesia

Supportive care, dantrolene


Ordinary muscle cramps

Cramps during sleep or ordinary activity

Stretching affected muscle to relieve cramp, medications may be used if severe (see text)

IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin; VGKC, voltage-gated potassium channel.


SPS occurs more often in women, but both men and women can be affected (average age of symptom onset is 35 years) and develop progressive symptoms over several months or years. SPS is quite rare and exact epidemiologic data is lacking; the estimated prevalence is one in a million. It is most often an immunologically mediated disorder with the presence of anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase-65 (anti-GAD65) antibodies; it may coexist with other autoimmune disorders including type 1 diabetes mellitus (in at least 35% of patients with SPS), Hashimoto thyroiditis, Graves disease, pernicious anemia, vitiligo, and celiac disease. A paraneoplastic form of SPS accounts for about 5% of cases, most often associated with breast cancer but also reported with thyroid, renal, or colon
cancer. The disorder is extremely rare in children (eight cases identified older than 29 years at Mayo Clinic and 12 other case reports).


CNS γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-secreting neurons play a major role in the normal inhibition of excessive continuous motor activation. GABA synthesis from glutamic acid is catalyzed by the enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). The discovery of antibodies against the 65-kilodalton GAD protein in most patients suggests immunologically mediated dysfunction of inhibitory synapses. Figure 94.1 illustrates the inhibitory synapse and subcellular localization of antigenic targets of antibodies found in SPS. Reported association of SPS with autoimmune diseases as pernicious anemia, thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, and others provides further support for the role of autoimmunity. The presence of anti-GAD65 antibodies with other neurologic disorders, including cerebellar ataxia (with or without coexisting SPS), epilepsy, or progressive encephalitis with rigidity and myoclonus (PERM) suggests a spectrum of pathology associated with neuronal disinhibition in which SPS is one subtype. Although there is often an association of anti-GAD65 antibodies and SPS, the direct pathogenic role of anti-GAD65 antibodies remains uncertain. One major puzzle is that the antigenic GAD65 enzyme is intracellular and therefore supposedly hidden from the offensive antibodies. Furthermore, unlike myasthenia gravis, another antibody-mediated autoimmune disease where antibodies are directed against surface nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, passive transmission of antibodies (e.g., in maternal placental transfer) does not confer the SPS.

It may be that other associated antibodies are the pathologic culprits as, for example, the anti-GABA receptor-associated protein (GABARAP) autoantibody. Dalmau and colleagues found that antibodies directed against the glycine receptor subunit alpha 1 (GlyRα1) IgG antibodies are present in 12% of SPS patients and are found in other hyperexcitable disorders affecting brain stem and spinal cord, most often PERM. Anti-GlyRα1 antibodies may predict good response to immunotherapy. Mutations in the gene encoding the GlyRα1 cause hyperekplexia or startle disease.

FIGURE 94.1 The neuronal inhibitory synapse. GABA and glycine are primary inhibitory neurotransmitters. Dysfunction of components of the synapse (presynaptic, synaptic, and postsynaptic) can lead to loss of inhibition and clinical stiffness and spasms. GAD, glutamic acid decarboxylase; GABARAP, GABA receptor-associated protein; BZD, benzodiazepine.

Over the years, a paraneoplastic subgroup form of SPS patients was identified. Many of those patients were positive for autoantibodies directed against other molecules in the inhibitory synapse such as amphiphysin (breast and small cell lung cancer) and gephyrin (mediastinal cancer).


Progressive stiffness and intermittent spasms of the axial musculature characterize the classic form of SPS, but distal limb muscles may also be affected. Aching discomfort and stiffness tend to predominate in the axial and proximal limb muscles, causing a hyperlordotic posture, with awkward gait and slowness of movements. Unlike tetanus, trismus does not occur, but facial and oropharyngeal muscles may be affected. In some cases, respiratory muscles are involved. The stiffness diminishes during sleep and under general anesthesia, differentiating it from other motor unit hyperexcitable syndromes such as neuromyotonia. The spasms may lead to joint deformities and are powerful enough to rupture muscles, rip surgical sutures, and fracture bones. Painful reflex spasms and falls occur in response to movement, sensory stimulation, or emotional changes. Fear of attacks elicited by environmental stimulation may lead to a debilitating avoidance of public places. Anxiety and taskspecific phobias can be dominant features in SPS and may contribute to the often observed delay in diagnosis or misdiagnosis.

Physical examination shows markedly increased axial and proximal muscle tone. However, strength, coordination, and sensation are preserved. Passive muscle stretch provokes an exaggerated reflex contraction that lasts several seconds. Table 94.2 highlights the dominant features of classic SPS. The startle reactions of SPS are similar to those in hyperekplexia.

Jul 27, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Stiff Person Syndrome and Peripheral Nerve and Muscle Hyperexcitability

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