Chapter 22 Gait Disorders
Physiological and Biomechanical Aspects of Gait
History and Common Symptoms of Gait Disturbance
Sensory Symptoms and Pain Associated with Gait Disorders
Incontinence and Gait Disorders
Examination of Posture and Walking
Discrepancies on Examination of Gait
Classification of Gait Patterns
Elderly Gait Patterns, Cautious Gaits, and Fear of Falling
Perceptions of Instability and Illusions of Movement
Hysterical and Psychogenic Gait Disorders
Musculoskeletal Disorders and Antalgic Gait
Anatomical Aspects of Gait
The neuroanatomical structures responsible for equilibrium and locomotion in humans are inferred from studies in lower species that suggest two basic systems. First, brainstem locomotor centers (Takakusaki, 2008) project through descending reticulospinal pathways into the ventromedial spinal cord. Stimulation of brainstem locomotor centers results in an increase in axial and limb muscle tone to assume an upright posture before stepping begins. Second, assemblies of spinal interneurons (central pattern generators or spinal locomotor centers) activate motoneurons of limb and trunk muscles in a patterned and repetitive manner to drive stepping movements and stimulate propriospinal networks that link the trunk and limbs to facilitate the synergistic coordinated limb and trunk movements of locomotion. In quadrupedal animals, spinal locomotor centers are capable of maintaining and coordinating rhythmic stepping movements after spinal transection. The cerebral cortex and corticospinal tract are not necessary for experimentally induced locomotion in quadrupeds but are required for precision stepping. The isolated spinal cord in humans can produce spontaneous movements, but it cannot generate rhythmic stepping or maintain truncal balance, indicating that brainstem and higher cortical connections are necessary for bipedal walking in humans. In monkeys, spinal stepping requires preservation of the descending ventromedial brainstem and ventrolateral spinal motor pathways. Lesions of the medial brainstem in monkeys interrupt descending reticulospinal, vestibulospinal, and tectospinal systems, resulting in dysequilibrium.
History and Common Symptoms of Gait Disturbance
Slowness and Stiffness
Slowness of walking is encountered in the elderly and in most gait disorders. Recent pooled analysis from nine selected cohorts has provided evidence that the speed of gait may correlate with longer survival in older adults (Studenski et al., 2011). Walking slowly is a normal reaction to unstable or slippery surfaces that cause postural insecurity and threaten balance. Similarly, those who feel their balance is less secure because of any musculoskeletal or neurological disorders walk slower. In Parkinson disease (PD) and other basal ganglia diseases, slowness of walking is due to shuffling with short, shallow steps. Difficulty initiating stepping when starting to walk (start hesitation) and when encountering an obstacle or turning (freezing) are common in more advanced stages of parkinsonian syndromes.
Examination of Posture and Walking
A scheme for the examination of posture and walking is summarized in Box 22.1. A convenient starting point is to observe the overall pattern of limb and body movement during walking. Normal walking progresses in a smooth and effortless manner. The truncal posture is upright, and the legs swing in a fluid motion with a regular stride length. Synergistic head, trunk, and upper-limb movement flow with each step. Observation of the pattern of body and limb movement during walking also helps the examiner decide whether the gait problem is caused by a focal abnormality (e.g., shortening, hip disease, muscle weakness) or a generalized disorder of movement, and whether the problem is unilateral or bilateral. After observing the overall walking pattern, the specific aspects of posture and gait should be examined (see Box 22.1).
Box 22.1 Examination of Gait and Balance*
The width of the stance base (the distance between the feet) during quiet arising from sitting, standing, and walking gives some indication of balance. Wide-based gaits are typical of cerebellar or sensory ataxia but also may be seen in diffuse cerebrovascular disease and frontal lobe lesions (Table 22.1). Widening the stance base is an efficient method of reducing body sway in the lateral and anteroposterior planes. Persons whose balance is insecure for any reason tend to adopt a wider stance and a posture of mild generalized flexion and to take shorter steps. Those who have attempted to walk on ice or other slippery surfaces will recognize this phenomenon. Eversion of the feet is another manner in which to increase stability and is particularly common in patients with diffuse cerebrovascular disease. Spontaneous sway, drift of the body in any direction, postural tremor, or ability to stay upright without touching furniture or assistance of another person are important clues.
Trunk Posture
The trunk is normally upright during standing and walking. Flexion of the trunk and a stooped posture are prominent features in PD. Slight flexion at the hips to lower the trunk and shift the center of gravity forward to minimize posterior body sway and reduce the risk of falling backward is common in many unsteady cautious gait syndromes. Neck and trunk extension is characteristic of progressive supranuclear palsy. Neck flexion occurs with weakness of the neck extensors in motor neuron disease and myasthenia and as a dystonic manifestation in multiple system atrophy and parkinsonism. An exaggerated lumbar lordosis, caused by hip-girdle weakness, is typical of proximal myopathies. Paraspinal muscle spasm and rigidity also produces an exaggerated lumbar lordosis in the stiff person syndrome. Tilt of the trunk to one side in dystonia is accompanied by axial muscle spasms, the most common being an exaggerated flexion movement of the trunk and hip with each step. Truncal tilt away from the affected side is observed in some acute vascular lesions of the thalamus and basal ganglia. Misperception of truncal posture and position results in inappropriate movements to correct the perceived tilt in the pusher syndrome, associated with posterolateral thalamic hemorrhages (Karnath et al., 2005). Acute vestibular imbalance in the lateral medullary syndrome leads to sway or tilt toward the side of the lesion (lateropulsion). Abnormal truncal postures occur in paraspinal myopathies that produce weakness of trunk extension and a posture of truncal flexion (camptocormia). Dystonia and parkinsonism also may alter truncal posture and lead to camptocormia or lateral truncal flexion (Pisa syndrome). Abnormal thoracolumbar postures also result from spinal ankylosis and spondylitis. A restricted range of spinal movement and persistence of the abnormal spinal posture when supine or during sleep are useful pointers toward a bony spinal deformity as the cause of an abnormal truncal posture. Truncal postures, particularly in the lumbar region, can be compensatory for shortening of one lower limb, lumbar or leg pain, or disease of the hip, knee, or ankle.
Postural Responses
Reactive postural responses are examined by sharply pulling the upper trunk backward or forward while the patient is standing. The pull should be sufficient to require the patient to step to regain their balance. This maneuver is referred to as the pull test (Hunt and Setni, 2006). The examiner must be prepared, generally by having a wall behind them, to prevent the patient from falling. A few short, shuffling steps backward (retropulsion) or a backwards fall after backward displacements, or forward (propulsion) after forward displacements, suggest impairment of postural righting (reactive postural) reactions. Falls after postural changes such as arising from a chair or turning while walking suggest impaired anticipatory postural responses. Falls without rescue arm movements or stepping movements to break the fall indicate loss of protective postural responses. Injuries sustained during falls provide a clue to the loss of these postural responses. A tendency to fall backward spontaneously is a sign of impaired postural reflexes in progressive supranuclear palsy and gait disorders associated with diseases of the frontal lobes.

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