Fig. 2.1 Bones of the cranium (Used with permissions from Gallici et al. [2]) Fig. 2.2 Bones of the cranium (Used with permissions from Gallici et al. [2]) The bones…
Fig. 2.1 Bones of the cranium (Used with permissions from Gallici et al. [2]) Fig. 2.2 Bones of the cranium (Used with permissions from Gallici et al. [2]) The bones…
Normal tissue T1 T2 CT Dense bone Dark Dark Bright Air Dark Dark Dark Fat Bright Less bright Dark Water Dark Bright Dark Brain Anatomic Intermediate Intermediate Fig. 3.1 (a)…
Fig. 23.1 Example of a CLABSI bundle If symptoms of infection are noted, all CVC sites should be closely examined for erythema or signs of infection. If present, the CVC…
Fig. 11.1 Intracranial compliance curve. Initial increases in intracranial volume are well tolerated. Continued increase in intracranial volume results in loss of compliance and rapid elevations in ICP. Sustained increases…
The purpose of implementing devastating brain injury guidelines is to promote physiologic stability in order to support potential for neurological improvement, allow time for family presence, and preserve the opportunity…
Fig. 7.1 Head CT with hyperdense left MCA sign He was not a candidate for IV tPA due to his recent use of the blood thinner apixaban. After determining that…
Parameter Normal value Critical value Forced vital capacity (FVC) 40–70 mL/kg 20 mL/kg Maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) Men: >−100 cmH2O −30 cmH2O Women: >−70 cmH2O Maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) Men:…
Category Causes Hypercoagulable state Protein C, S, or antithrombin III deficiency; factor V Leiden mutation; prothrombin gene mutation; antiphospholipid syndrome (lupus anticoagulant/anticardiolipin antibody); nephrotic syndrome; hyperhomocysteinemia Infectious Encephalitis; cerebritis; meningitis;…
Fig. 14.1 Case 1 Imaging. (a, b) Pretreatment axial and coronal T1 post-contrast MRIs demonstrate a ring-enhancing intra-axial mass with central necrosis. (c) Pretreatment axial FLAIR MRI demonstrates surrounding vasogenic…
Fig. 20.1 Case presentation head CT showing bilateral frontal contusions An MRI of the brain revealed evolution of the bifrontal contusions, but no strokes were seen. After many days the…