23. Psychiatry
One of the most powerful diagnostic tools is patient’s own story of illness (history of present illness, HPI). To obtain accurate and good HPI, a physician must use open- ended…
One of the most powerful diagnostic tools is patient’s own story of illness (history of present illness, HPI). To obtain accurate and good HPI, a physician must use open- ended…
“In the grip of a neurological disorder, I am fast losing control of words even as my relationship with the world has been reduced to them.” -Tony Judt in the…
Neurological rehabilitation programs are designed for people with injury or disorders of the nervous system and aim to improve function, reduce symptoms, and improve the well-being of the patient. It…
13.1 Pathogens Responsible for Bacterial Infections The epidemiology of bacterial meningitis has changed significantly, primarily because of widespread immunization with the conjugated Haemophilus influenzae vaccine (HIB) in 1990 and the…
Echoencephalogram is an obsolete examination nowadays (▶Fig. 12.1). It was the initial and basic test of severe head injuries in the pre-CT scan era. Fig. 12.1 Echoencephalogram. This ECHO demonstrates…
11.1 Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders Disorder Movement characteristics Athetosis Slow, distal, writhing, and involuntary with a propensity to affect the arms and hands Chorea Rapid, semipurposeful, graceful, dancelike, nonpatterned moving involving…
10.1 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common clinical condition, occurring in 1 out of 50 people at any one time; over 50% present with bilateral disease….
9.1 Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Recurrent or residual low back pain after lumbar disc surgery; incidence ranges between 5 and 40% Incorrect original diagnosis Permanent nerve root injury from the…
The diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke is often straight forward. The sudden onset of a focal neurologic deficit, such as hemiparesis, focal weakness, and aphasia, in a recognizable vascular pattern…