Microanatomy of the Lumbar Plexus

May 21, 2019 by in NEUROSURGERY Comments Off on Microanatomy of the Lumbar Plexus

Nerve roots, as well as related motor, sensory, and sympathetic axons, were examined at their origins in the subarachnoid space and along their exits through the intervertebral foramina. Four cross-sectional…

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Lesions Involving the Lumbar Plexus

May 21, 2019 by in NEUROSURGERY Comments Off on Lesions Involving the Lumbar Plexus

Anatomy The lumbar plexus, composed of the ventral rami of the L1–L4 spinal nerve roots, travels into and is formed within the body of the psoas major muscle, coalescing to…

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Dermatomes and the Lumbar Plexus

May 21, 2019 by in NEUROSURGERY Comments Off on Dermatomes and the Lumbar Plexus

There are various proposed models that mark the distributions for these dermatomes. As such, significant variations exist in the literature. In this chapter, we will briefly describe the general map…

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