Meningoceles and Encephaloceles
Fig. 66.1 Encephalocele. Sagittal T1-weighted MR image (a) and sagittal T2-weighted MR image (b) showing a basal encephalocele extending into the nasopharynx (From Chen et al. [10]; with permission) Fig….
Fig. 66.1 Encephalocele. Sagittal T1-weighted MR image (a) and sagittal T2-weighted MR image (b) showing a basal encephalocele extending into the nasopharynx (From Chen et al. [10]; with permission) Fig….
Fig. 56.1 Neurosarcoidosis. (a) Sagittal T1-weighted precontrast MR image. (b) Sagittal T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced image. (c) Axial T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced image. On (a) and (b), the pituitary stalk and gland are diffusely…
Fig. 25.1 Arachnoid cyst. (a) Sagittal T1-weighted post-gadolinium image. (b) Coronal T1-weighted post-gadolinium image. A nonenhancing lesion is located in the sella with suprasellar extension. The signal intensity of the…
Fig. 44.1 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). (a) Sagittal T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced MR image. (b) Coronal T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced image. A large enhancing mass is centered in the sphenoid sinus, replacing most of the…
Fig. 73.1 CSF leak. (a) Sagittal CT cisternogram image. (b) Coronal CT cisternogram image. Postoperative changes from prior right ethmoid resection and medial maxillary antrostomy are present. In both images,…
Fig. 1.1 Anatomical picture showing the posterior wall of the sphenoid sinus; all the anatomical landmarks are visible, but they may vary according to the degree of pneumatization of the…
Fig. 26.1 Dermoid cyst. (a) Sagittal T1-weighted post-gadolinium image. (b) Coronal T1-weighted post-gadolinium image. (c) Axial CT image. A lobulated mass is located above the planum sphenoidale anterior to the…
Fig. 31.1 Chordoma. (a) Coronal T1-weighted pre-gadolinium image. (b) Coronal T1-weighted post-gadolinium image. (c) Sagittal T1-weighted post-gadolinium image. (d) Coronal T2-weighted image. A large, lobular, heterogeneously enhancing mass is centered…
Fig. 13.1 ACTH adenoma. (a) Sagittal T1-weighted post-gadolinium image. (b) Coronal T1-weighted post-gadolinium image. The pituitary gland is enlarged, with heterogeneous enhancement and nodular erosion of the left sellar floor….
Fig. 11.1 Prolactinoma. (a) Sagittal T1-weighted post-gadolinium image. (b) Coronal T1-weighted post-gadolinium image. A small, hypoenhancing sellar mass is present in the left aspect of the sella. The mass abuts…