Neurophysiologic Monitoring in Spine Surgery
9 Neurophysiologic Monitoring in Spine Surgery Glen Aaron Pollock, Naomi Abel, and Fernando L. Vale I. Key Points – Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs). Monitor the electrophysiologic integrity of the dorsal…
Cervical-Thoracic Junction Technique
40 Cervical-Thoracic Junction Technique Matthew B. Maserati and David O. Okonkwo I. Key Points – The cervical-thoracic junction (CTJ) is an anatomically and biomechanically unique region of the vertebral column…
Cervical and Thoracic Spine Degenerative Disease
20 Cervical and Thoracic Spine Degenerative Disease Clinton J. Burkett and Mark S. Greenberg I. Key Points – Cervical and thoracic degenerative disease is a chronic condition but can present…
Spinal Imaging
8 Spinal Imaging Ishaq Y. Syed, Barrett I. Woods, and Joon Y. Lee I. Key Points – A complete history and physical should be the initial step in evaluating a…
Retroperitoneal Approaches to the Thoracolumbar Spine
48 Retroperitoneal Approaches to the Thoracolumbar Spine Camilo A. Molina, Ziya L. Gokaslan, and Daniel M. Sciubba I. Key Points – Of utmost importance to performing any ventrolateral approaches to…
Vascular Pathology of the Spine
23 Vascular Pathology of the Spine Timothy D. Uschold and Steven W. Chang I. Key Points – The Spetzler et al nomenclature for spinal vascular lesions classifies arteriovenous malformations (AVMs)…
Cervical Laminectomy with or without Fusion
35 Cervical Laminectomy with or without Fusion Ali A. Baaj and Fernando L. Vale I. Key Points – Conservative therapy is the initial, primary treatment modality for neck pain and/or…
Spinal Biologics
15 Spinal Biologics Rafael F. Cardona-Durán and Juan S. Uribe I. Key Points – Decision making for the choice of bone graft in spinal surgery is important and should be…